Monday 25 August 2014

Can you tell what it is yet?

A quick Christmas project.
 Before my next biggie!
Sleeping Beauty finishes at 15 x 16 inches.
She has about 50 shades of thread and three shades of blue beads.
She may take a while!
I shall try not to bore you with her.


Margaret said...

My I do admire your courage in starting such a huge project. This will be a masterpiece when done!

Gari in AL said...

What a pretty Christmas bell you have going. But I can't imagine doing that very large project.

Diane-crewe said...

could it perchance be a BELL ? .. even a Christmas bell? lol x .. watch out with those 50 shades..... lol

Janice said...

It looks like a Christmas bell to me. You house is going to look rather festive come Christmas time. I'm looking forward to watching your progress on your new big project. I'd never be game to start something so involved.