Sunday 20 October 2024


Tony and I had a day out on Friday. We hopped in the car and headed to Christchurch. About a two hour drive away. We visited a few shops for a look about. He found some paint for his model and we visited a new to us store, Art and Frame, which stocks some beautiful giftwares as well as artwork, they have a framing service and also have a great cross stitch collection. I found a pattern to bring home.
This is the second in a series of three. I stitched one and gifted it as my swap at Baradine last year.  Now if I could just find the Christmas pattern....
I also treated myself to a new embroidery hoop. I read on a fb group that these Nurge hoops are the best there is at the moment.
The bride and flower girls dresses are progressing. 
Yesterday was club day, so my EPP progressed also. No pic, the holder upper is playing his game.
Jo the activities lady at work is a treasure, she always visits the big car boot sale on her way in to work on Sundays and this week she found treasure. 
Firstly a bag of fabric scraps for a dollar.
This piece was all sewn together in a very rough hand stitch, it's now a pile of pieces awaiting the attention of the iron. Also in the bag was this collection of pieces.
At the same table she found a bag of doilies and wondered if I could use them?
Yes please and thank you very much.
On another table Jo spotted this huge piece.
The label says eight meters! For a dollar!
What a score. I think it will be great for a few girly quilt backs.
Less than two weeks until the wedding. Tomorrow I'll be putting a zipper into Charmaine's flower girl dress.
That's my news, now I'm off to make Thai chicken curry. 

Sunday 13 October 2024


The wedding dress was almost complete, then we discovered that the bodice is pretty tight!
Hmm, we measured again and yes we got it right, the bride is smaller than she was and according to the pattern she should fit in to the smaller size......?
I blame the pattern, it's not a recognised brand but one that was found and purchased from an internet designer/seller.
I'm going back up to the larger size bodice and will take it in, down to her size, a LOT if I have to.
That is a job for this coming week. Good thing we bought plenty of fabric.
Meanwhile Chooky had two zoom sessions yesterday, so out came my Blue Lanterns EPP.
I added the last blue piece on the previous row and almost a whole row of white blocks.
I'm very happy with how this is looking.
I think two more rows of blue should do it.
I'll get them on and see how it looks.
I'm the holder upper here by the way, my usual holder upper has a sore shoulder so he was demoted to photographer. Sigh, I had to ask him to talk lots of pictures so I could chose the best. LOL
He thought only one was enough. Pft!!
In other news, I've been baking
On the left, banana muffins for my colleagues and on the right keto chocolate muffins for Tony and I. The chocolate muffins now have a yummy chocolate ganache topping.
In between zoom sessions yesterday we were busy in the garden. Our two mini greenhouses are now planted with capsicum and chilli peppers. There are also lettuce, raddish and spring onions in. Our potatoes have sprouted. More brocolli has been planted and two courgette. The cauli I planted in the Autumn is finally starting to look like it might heart up and produce a few heads. The winter brocolli is already finished, I got three flushes off that.
There is still a bit of space out there for something else, we'll have a think and plant something when we decide what.
Oh and I want to put some dwarf beans in somewhere too, probably in pots though.


Saturday 5 October 2024

Goal #1 achieved.

After two and a half days of continuous rain, which at times was quite heavy, we finally have some sunshine today. Everything is still soaking wet though and I wasn't going to step on to either of our lawns to try getting pretty outdoorsy shots of my latest finish, so instead I tried a shot over the deck railing but that wasn't quite right.
So I persuaded my holder upper to step outside and perform. First he took a bow. LOL
Actually I think he has spied a bug!
Then we got on with some photos. Still not the best but you get the idea.
I just had time to get a quick shot of the quilting....
He wasn't sticking around for more. 
Sigh, it's getting harder to find a good holder upper.
And finally a look at the binding and my label on the back.
Sorry these are not the best photos. 
As the holder upper scuttled back indoors I lingered to get some garden shots.
Old man tree is starting to get his leaves and the snowball bush is in full bloom already.
I think judging by the scent, that this version of snowball bush is actually a lilac, it smells beautiful.
And finally, taken on a rainy day while I was quilting the wedding cake tree is also getting it's greenery.
I've done some knitting in the evenings, prepared the pattern for the wedding dress, did I mention that the bride has dropped two dress sizes?  She seems to have levelled off now so on my next run of days off I'll start cutting.
That is if I get my days off, I went in to work on two of my three days off this week, not in my usual role but as the diversional therapist! I read the news paper and we had discussion group in the mornings and in the afternoon we played housie/bingo and some board games.
That was something different.

Wednesday 2 October 2024

October Goals.

In my last post I mentioned that I have a colleague wanting to purchase my Town Square quilt. That means I need to finish it for her.
It's been on the frame and is now quilted. I used a pantograph from Urban Elementz called Pacific.
It works well with the Maori designs on the fabrics used to make the top. The swirls and curves also soften all of the straight lines made by those squares.
I just need to trim and bind the quilt then it will be ready to go to it's new home.
So, goals for October.

1) Finish the Town Square Quilt.

2) Make the brides dress.

3) Make the flower girls dress.

That's it. Anything else that I achieve this month will be a bonus.

Sorry Deana, no Chookshed Challenge for me this month.
All I have left there is to make some more Christmas ornaments anyway. I need two more and should easily get them done before Christmas. 
I'm off to cut satin and tulle. 

Monday 30 September 2024

September Roundup.

 Here we are at the end of another month.  Goodness this year is flying by so fast.
September started of well in my world, with three unexpected projects.
The floral sample fabrics even became a fully completed quilt.
The other two are still sat in the to be quilted pile. 
I came down with a chest infection following a bit of a head cold. That gave me time to sit with my EPP.
So my Blue Lanterns grew. They have grown more since I took this photo. And more fabrics have been purchased for them too.
I worked a little on the wedding sampler.
It hasn't changed since I took this image.
I fulfilled my Chookshed challenge by quilting a scrappy quilt.
Hmm, no cute photo shoot of the completed quilting, just this one with the holder uppers feet in artificial lights. It has since been donated to refugee resettlement here in town. 
I also attended a rulerwork class at club
That was fun.
Debbie and I visited the Ashburton embroiderer's guild exhibition and did a little shopping too.
Which meant I had to start a knitting project. LOL
Blogger still wants to turn my phot upside down. 
Never mind this wee scarf has grown a little since I took this photo.
A colleague is leaving to start another job soon and wanted to buy one of my quilts before she leaves, because she will no longer have the opportunity to win one in the raffle.
I've been working on Town Square.
It's finally been quilted and I hope to get the binding on tomorrow or Wednesday. 
I'll try to share more details about it's journey soon.
So how does all of that stack up against my goals for the month?

1) The Chookshed Challenge.  Completed.

2) RSC Kiwis.  I pulled them all out of the box and decided that I have just enough for a cute wee quilt. I opted not to make more, but will try to get some sashing on and complete a quilt top with them some time soon. 

3) Cross stitch a Christmas ornament. Nope!

4) 15 mins a day hand work. I think I missed a day or two, but I can live with that.

5) Work on a scrap project.  See the Chookshed challenge.

6) Try a new recipe.  Oh yes, more than one. I really need to do a post about food soon. 
I also measured the bride again yesterday. Her weight loss seems to have levelled off. I have 4 weeks to make the dress. 
Four weeks till the wedding.
And that was my September.
How did yours go?