As is often the case, I uploaded my pictures in the wrong order!
Moya and I went shopping yesterday, I had some particular fabrics in mind. I spent more than I should have and then came home to find treasure on my doorstep.
I left a comment on
Karol Ann's blog and was automatically entered into a draw and was delighted when she emailed me to say I'd won. She sent me these pretty fabrics which arrived while we were out.
This photo has washed them out a bit, they are not really this pale. I have left them on top of the drawers where I keep my fabrics. I'm hoping for inspiration, and I've had one or two ideas already. Thank you Karol Ann.
What did I shop for? Well I had to get a couple of fat quarters for my 'Another Little Quilt Swap' but I'm not showing those! Instead I'll show my other purchases. This first bunch is for DS2 quilt. Like his brother he has helped to design it and had input when it came to choosing fabrics. He selected the black and white/grey fabrics with dragons on. On our design we had included red and yellow.

They both have hints of red about them, but they are very different reds, and only the black has any yellow, so I had a hard time finding just the right fabrics. I'm glad I went to a real life store rather than an
OLS. We ended up with a red batik as it has both shades of red and a yellow tone on tone with a hint of gold. It looks a little
Moya wanted me to get a very bright
orangy yellow, which looked very
firey, but.........No, I'm happy with my choices. I have batting for it and I'm hoping that the grey/blue which I used to back his brothers will also serve here.
These next fabrics I bought just because they were there in the shop.
Moya and I both bought a fat quarter of the butterfly fabric, it was too pretty to resist. The white is a batik, it has the palest softest hints of sky blue pink about it.
This one I found in the scrap box, there are three pieces all about 3 x 15, also too pretty to resist at £0.50.

And a lovely piece of
Kona fabric,
Moya picked up some of these too.

We ended our trip with lunch in an old train station, well, the station is still used as a station in the summer and all year round it is Greens Vegetarian Restaurant. We're not vegetarian, but we do enjoy their bakes and salads and it's fantastically good value.
Well I'm off to play with my purchases and make a start on something. Have a great day.