I not so recently received two awards, but am only just now getting around to doing anything about it. How naughty of me.
The first one comes from Tracey at
flowerpebble. Thank you Tracey.

This is a Portuguese Award and it means
this blog invests in and believes that blogging makes us close. Proximidade translated to English means vicinity, or neighbourhood.
The meaning of this award:
This blog invests and believes in Proximity- nearness in space, time and relationships.
These blogs are exceedingly charming.
These kind
bloggers aim to find and be friends .
They are not interested in prizes for self-aggrandizement!
Our hope is that when the ribbon of these prizes are cut ,even more friendships are propagated.
I'm supposed to pass it on to 8 others, but it is so difficult to choose, I love all of the blogs I read and feel that the friendship found here in
blogland is truly global.
The other award I received is from
Julz of
Julz Dezign: The Blogging Friends Forever Award.

The rules are as follows:
1. 5 people are allowed to receive this award
2. 4 dedicated followers
3. 1 new follower to your blog who lives in another part of the world
4. Please link back to the person who gave you this award.
I will give both of these awards to each and every blog listed in my side bar. You have all become a source of friendship, wisdom, comfort and inspiration.
I know I have dedicated followers and new followers, you're all charming and friendly and between us we have made the world a very small place.
I have two days off work again. This morning I slept in until after 9:00 am, that doesn't happen very often, I must have needed the rest.
The next round of
BOMs is starting to appear, I'm ready for them too, I have completed all that I had planned except for part 3 of Red Delicious, it's awaiting my attentions. I also have a couple of larger projects planned and hope to make a start on one of them soon, not to mention getting on with some grocery bags!
I have to say, I'm enjoying doing all the
BOMs, I've always enjoyed watching others do them and seeing the variety of blocks that appear all from the same design, but actually taking part is even more fun.
As if I don't have enough to do, seeing knitting on one or two blogs and watching a colleague at work knitting away for her great niece has got my knitting juices flowing again, so yesterday I got online and ordered a load of yarn and a pattern, so I have knitting to get on with too! Next I'll be complaining that I'm spoiled for choice.
1) Two wonderful awards, and the chance to pass them on.
2) Two days off work.
3) A dry sunny day, even if it is cold.