So I popped into the Sally shop the other day, to see if they had topped up their yarn bin and as I payed for my haul of other peoples left overs I spied a wee treasure sat up on the shelf above the counter. The shelf they reserve for the more precious items. Collectibles and such.
The lady was good enough to pass it down and let me take a closer look.
Oooh! so cute.
It had a battery in it and purred away when the foot pedal was pushed, but that is all, just a noise. It was in poor shape, bashed and battered with a $25 label.
The lovely lady said she would sell it to me for $20.
I decided to sleep on it. I asked her to put it back on the shelf, and if it was still there when I returned, then it was meant to be.
Yesterday I went back and the very same, very nice lady was there.
She sold me the wee cutie.
Look how tiny it is sat here with Jenny Janome and Sally Silver!
Welcome to your new home Orphan Annie. 💖
As I said, she is a bit broken. There is a needle, but it only moves when I use the fly wheel manually. There is a light, which I guess is blown. Even when that red button is in the off position, she purrs when you press on the foot pedal. So I think the switch is just for the light. There are no feed dogs, instead the presser foot bobs up and down and moves gently back and forward. Peeking inside her bottom, I found two huge batteries, but could not see where a bobbin might go?
There is no brand name, no makers mark, nothing to say where she came from or how old she is.
Tony promised to have a look and a tinker. It would be lovely if he could make her work again, or find something inside to say who she is. If he can't.....
never mind, I'll make her a pretty cover and sit her up on the shelf.
Do you know anything about her?
Have you seen a cute wee sewing machine like this before?