I'm hoping things will slow down a little over the weekend. Life and work, as they do for all of us from time to time , are still getting in the way. I've had very few late shifts at work plus more than my fair share of extras! All I have the energy for when I get home is to cook the dinner, then sit and knit a few rows. So I thought I would take advantage of a rare morning off to pop in with a progress report. 'Flight of the Bumblebee' has it's binding all closed up and is awaiting a label. That's it, that's the only quilty part of this report! I've made a start and a mistake on a little Aran sweater for our pregnant friends. NO prizes for spotting the mistake! I noticed it on the next right side row, but decided to leave it. This is the back of the sweater, so less visible than the front. Even though I'm struggling a little to get the pattern rows and repeats to settle in my mind, I am enjoying this little project.

In between doing bits of housework and one row each morning while I have my cuppa before work I've been plodding away on the blanket too.

It's growing slowly. I also do a few rows if there is something I want to watch on TV. It's a wonderfully easy pattern. Now that the weather is cooling it's nice to snuggle under this piece and it's good to know that as the weather continues to cool, this will continue to grow.
What else can I tell you? I just purchased my fabric choices for my SSCS project, so I should have that tomorrow. I love how some Internet shops are so very fast! I've also bought more yarn for another little baby knit.
The countdown to my Hunneys final exam is gaining momentum, he's feeling the pressure, but is still managing to spend more time with me, which is both lovely and worrying. He really needs to be revising. I half heartedly remind him of that each evening. He has a night out with his colleagues tonight and has promised that we will spend the whole weekend together.
Work? Hmm, well there has been very little of note on the job front, certainly nothing worth applying for. We were visited by my bosses boss yesterday. She was very complimentary of my work and acknowledged my skills, then dangled what amounts to an empty stick. If they really want me to stay, they have to try harder than that! It's supposed to be my long weekend off, four whole days off! Supposed to be. It's been shortened to three, and will I be on standby for another, oh and could you just do.......? NO! I have three days off, two with my Hunney and one for me, I intend to make the most of them.