Thursday 14 April 2016

Still busy!

The growing season may be slowing down, but still the garden and green house gift us with produce.
At last I have beautiful red capsicum.
And also just a few tiny red hot habenero chilli!
There are plenty of green ones out there, but as the nights are getting colder, their chances of ripening are slim. Soon, I'll strip the bush, trim it and wrap it up for winter.
 I cleared out my pumpkin patch the other day and carefully stored away the bounty in a corner of the shed. I didn't get as many as I hoped, but will try again, and this time I'll be out there with a soft brush, giving the bees a helping hand!
While I cleared the pumpkin patch, he was clearing tree stumps.
This one, took a lot of persuading!
 But very soon we'll be able to replant this area with some shrubs and a few other items.
I forgot to take photos, but already I have started to replant in one area.
Of course, while we work hard in the gardens, the overseer keeps an eye on proceedings from a comfy spot indoors.
 Occasionally all that overseeing is too much and she has to retreat to a box!
It's not all about the garden, I've been baking too.
Soda bread, a loaf made using wholemeal flour and no yeast.
And a sugar and fat free fruit loaf.
We didn't try that yet, it says to keep it overnight before cutting.
I had to hide it! 
I plan to slice it today, and get some buried in the freezer before he gets home from work.
And at the end of busy days, I get to play hookie!
The rainbow bright stripes, you have seen before. Belle had laid claim to them in my last post.
Now they are finished and Tony has laid claim to them. And of course Belle still likes to get in there too, she is happiest lounging along the back of the sofa on a cosy blanket.
 I've had these hexies around for some time. I picked at them occasionally but really lost my way and grew bored with them. Too much stopping and starting for my liking.
So a change of plan has them on the go again. With a little trial and error, I was able to fill in the half hexie gaps and straighten the edges and then started with some stripes.
I plan to add stripes to both sides, to square things up. Then I'll be adding a border of some kind and maybe a pretty edging too. If he is having the stripes, I'll be having the hexies to cuddle under on the cooler nights ahead.
I have extra days off work this week as I have so much leave accrued.
The plan for today, is more baking, for the freezer.
A little housework, then I have a choice.
Shall I play hookie?
Cross stitch?
Shall I play with my sewing machine?

Wednesday 6 April 2016

I solemnly promise...

That one day soon, I'll have time to do some more of the crafty stuff!
And blog about it.
 Meanwhile, here are some more pictures of produce from our garden.

 And preserving.
 Black boy peaches.
Something new to me.
I had a little time, between stirring pans and bottling pickles and thought I would bury some threads!
No chance. Belle can confirm that it is a very cosy wee blanket.
When I came back a little later, she was on top of it!
Must have over heated. 
 She even likes to help Tony.
Recently he did a rewiring job in the back of the TV, she got up and inspected all his work too.
Gotta go.
Busy, busy day planned.