Chookshed Challenge 2024


Chookshed Stitchers Challenge.

I'm really not sure about this, I don't often do well at these kind of challenges but the organizers have made it appear easy and doable. So here goes, I'm jumping on to the bandwagon with my bundle of works.

1) The Scrub Stitchin' bag.  It would be good to think I could complete it, but first I must start it!
All done, even though I had an oops!

2)  Some EPP. I have one project on the go another all cut and basted ready to go and yet more more in the wings awaiting their turn.... More about that when it happens.
Achieved! I completed this top.
Then went on to make a new start.

And that was February.
I completed this top in July.
I also started a new project 
Blue Lanterns was born in August.

3) Quilt Morning Moon Fairies. 
Quilted, bound and hanging in my hallway. 

4) Quilt a scrappy quilt.
I have a few to choose from. LOL
I quilted two.

This was March.

5) Cut fabric for a new start.
Windswept, my autumnal coloured version of this beauty might make some progress this year.
Done, all fabrics are cut, sorted and nestled back in the project box, awaiting the day when I decide to make a start. 

6) Continue to cut for windswept or start sewing.
Yep, two goes at this one.
Obviously months 5 and 6 are interchangeable. 
Work has continued on this since I started cutting in January.
I've tried to sew a block each work day, before I leave home. 
A block a day fell by the wayside, but I do make an effort to do a few blocks each week. It has even been along to club with me where great progress was made.

7)  Work on my latest scrapper.
That is currently a floral hit n miss.
I'll show and tell when I get a little more done. So far I have a few fabric scraps cut but really not much.
Updated to say that Floral Hit and Miss was completed in March as a part of #4, quilt a scrapper.

I think my Debbie Mumm fabrics may  just move in to this slot, though I also have a crumb quilt top in progress.
The Debbie Mumm top was completed in May.

Completed the crumbs top in April.
Crumbs was quilted in September.

Scrappy Triangles came out of hiding in March. Made more progress in April.
Scrappy Triangles completed in May.

8) Stitch a Christmas Ornament, or three!
January. Two done.
February, One done.
March, two done. 
April, Two done.
May, half project.
June, .....Nope!
July, One completed
August. I did some finishing.
In July I finally completed the ornament started in May.

9) Stitch a Christmas Ornament or two. 
This was April.
Two completed.

10)  Continue to work on Poppy Quilt.
This was the June challenge. And I am very happy to say that a lot of progress was made.
Now I just need to figure out how to quilt it. 

For ore information about the challenge you can visit Deanna at her blog here

All of this should be going on alongside my usual sewing, some of it is my usual sewing, but that's fine. 
Edited to add.....
 I also have a wedding dress to make, so some of these goals may get pushed aside in favour of that. 
Good luck to everyone who is planning to join in. 

1 comment:

ButterZ said...

So you worked out how to do a page. Good jobs and nice projects to work on throughout the year