Well Christmas is all over and New Year will be upon us in a matter of hours! I do hope you all had a good Christmas and that your Santa was good to you.
Look what mine bought for me! Wow! Great fun, much better than slogging along with the same old dance routines on my DVDs, I don't think I'll get bored with this very soon. Hunney even seemed to be enjoying himself. LOL Of course we have games too.
I received my gifts from Lyn, look at all the lovelies she squeezed into her packages.

Some of the smaller goodies were tucked into the pockets of the sewing machine mat.
Thank you Lyn and thank you again Chooky for organising such a fun swap. Can I join in again next year please? Chooky has done a great job of posting pictures and details of all the swaps on her blog, why don't you go and have a look at all the fantastic gifts which flew all over the world.
Do you remember I posted the odd teasing image of the gift I was making and sending? My partner was Tatania in Australia. I made this shopping tote.
And tucked these goodies in along with it.

Tatania has done a much better job of the photography on her blog.
This is the last of my three days off, I'll be back at work tomorrow, but we do have a night out planned, my shifts allow for that. I'm off to torture myself on the Wii, got to get rid of all the excesses somehow. LOL
Happy New Year to everyone, I wish you all the very best for 2010.