that's about to change, because I now have a week off work. Thank goodness, I really need it. The last couple of weeks have been really stressed at work, and when I go back it will be just as busy. I have a lot of work to get done. The one shining light is that of the two major jobs, only one comes with real pressure, the other is self imposed pressure, but I still feel driven to deliver it within my self imposed time limit.
When I got out of work on Saturday I had a sore back, as we made our way around the supermarket getting the groceries it settled into sciatica, shooting pain down my leg and causing me to stumble a couple of times. It bugged me for the rest of the day. (We're old friends, I've had back pain on and off for 20 or so years.) So the whole family helped out.
Hunney made a beautiful
Toad in the Hole. It was great.

Little chef Joe made
pineapple upside down pudding and Kay and
Jonny washed the dishes. So apart from directing traffic I had Mothers day early. (It was Mothers day here in GB on Sunday 22
nd March) They also made breakfast on Sunday morning, which was wonderful. Thankfully the trapped nerve had shifted itself by Sunday morning and I was able to go to work. Though I spent the whole shift sitting at a desk buried in paperwork.
As I said, it was Mothers day. We called in to see my Mum taking cards and gifts. While we were there I remembered to take a quick picture of a Mothers day gift from about 8 years ago. Mum has a seaside themed bathroom and had asked me to make her a seashell lamp shade.

It's looking old and tired now. Mind you, so is the bathroom, the paper is peeling off the walls and ceiling!! Mum still loves it, no matter how tired it looks. (Sorry it's not a better picture, I had to use the camera in my cell phone.)
So a week off work, what am I going to do? Last week was so settled and warm I hoped it would last and I could go out walking! HA!! No chance, the gale force winds and sideways rain arrived last night. So it's the rowing machine if I want to exercise.
I've finished knitting my cardigan and have just one seam left to close up.
I have patterns and a few bits and pieces of yarn to make up some baby cardigans for the charity shop next door.
I have how many
WIP quilts?
I have how many
I have how many cross stitch
If the
lousey weather continues, I should get some crafting done. I just need to figure out which craft I want to do!
Oh yeah and I've just found out I need to quickly put together a couple of essays to complete some training at work.
So I've plenty to keep me busy. I just need to decide what to do.
1) A whole week off work.
2) A mothers day weekend.
3) 215 days.