My trip away to Warrington on Wednesday was exhausting. I believe that was the most tiring of all, I was too tired to do anything but sleep yesterday, I did my shift at work then came home and slept, I cooked dinner, then after a little TV watching I had an early night. I was up at 07.35 this morning, so I think I must have caught up.
I have a few things happening, but it's all stuff for sitting in front of the TV, my Secret Santa project is still at the work in hand stage, I have my cross stitch out again, but that's for TV time. My knitting is also best done in front of the TV, it's growing slowly.

So today, in a effort to spend a little time with my sewing machine, I've pulled out my denim circles. I'll spend a little time playing with them, I'm itching to start adding the lovely batik pieces I've collected.

Back to the mundane world. For my course I have lots of reading to do and four pieces of homework to complete. I had better do some of that today too. On the final day, next month, I have to sit a short exam, which is worth only 30% of the final mark and give a 5 - 10 minute power point presentation. I have the power point work all done, I just need to write and rehearse what I will prattle on about, obviously I have a few basics noted down, or I wouldn't have been able to put the power point together. I have enjoyed the course, the people I'm working with are a great group and fun to be with, we have learned a lot from each other. I shall miss them.
Back to the fun stuff...........
In 36 days Hunney and I leave for our trip to New Zealand. Boy am I ready for it, we are both sooooooooooo, looking forward to a chance to relax and have some fun. Oh yes, that means it's fifty days until our wedding! We finally arranged a date. Saturday 7th November. While we are in NZ we will also travel around a little. Hunney did show me around last time we were there, but it felt a little like a whistle stop tour! LOL This time I'm hoping to move at a slower pace,
Shiree and I have suggested a get together in Dunedin, which would be great, I have visited the town before, we visited with a friend of Hunneys, for an afternoon and evening, slept in a motel, then left early next morning, this time I'd like to look around, I believe there are some very good quilty shops in town. ;-) Last time we were there I took loads and loads of pictures and I plan to do the same again. We will have computer access so I plan to continue blogging while we are there.
If I'm going to have time for homework and sewing today before I go to work, I had better get off this thing.
1) My boy is home from sea.
2) The course is nearly finished.
3) The countdown is getting shorter.