Thursday, 13 March 2025

Janet's visit.

 As some of you know, our very own Rogue Quilter, Janet and her husband Greg are cruising around New Zealand. On Tuesday they were here in my home town. We agreed to meet at 08.30. It was a grey misty day which I was sad about, I wanted Janet to see how beautiful we are in the sunshine.

I arrived early and spied Janet easily looking at the stalls at the 'cruise market' that was set up near the wharf. I got the biggest hug when we got face to face. Janet's husband Greg was going to take an excursion to a sheep station, but sadly that was cancelled. I was happy to have him join Janet and I for our wee tour, though he is a pretty tall chap and I did feel sorry for him folding himself up to get into my wee car. LOL 

First stop was the Timaru sewing center which was literally right across the street from the market. Then we went for a little drive through some of town and the scenic reserve where I love to walk and then on to the highway and out to Geraldine for a look around and a visit to the Pin Tin. Janet helped out the local economy in both of the sewing stores and she also found a few items in the gift store. Next stop was an ice cream store.

Yes they have gluten free flavours which made her very happy. 
Greg mentioned that he would like a true kiwi meat pie, I knew just the place and stopped there as we made our way back in to Timaru. The U Bake store is owned and run by one of Tony's school chums, he's also our neighbour, living just a few doors along. 
Greg asked about utensils, but I encouraged him to eat kiwi style, right out of the paper bag, which of course he did. I'm sure he enjoyed it.
Janet and I opted for no pies so the next stop was at the Timaru Botanic Gardens. 
They were tired looking, it wasn't the best Summer and Autumn has come early this year, but we had a walk around and stopped at the aviary to say hello to the birds, then it was time to head back to the port and make sure that Janet and Greg were on the courtesy bus to go back to the ship. But first we stopped at the local bar for a cold drink.
Then we had one last hug and said good bye. One of the girls at the bus stop took a last photo.
As I drove home alone the clouds broke and I could see the mountains, then an hour or so later, probably just as the ship was leaving port I looked up and saw this.
I hope the weather is better at the next couple of stops.
We had a great day looking around and chatting together. It was a pleasure to be a part of Janet and Greg's holiday. What lovely people. 
Next they will be meeting Raewyn and Julie. 
Tag ladies, you're up!

Monday, 10 March 2025

Life and work and the Chookshed challenge #2.

 Life has been busy with lots going on at home and away from home.

We've been busy in the garden, making one of the beds butterfly proof. I can't get over the explosion of white butterflies this year and they all seem to be in our garden! There has also been more produce to eat,  preserve or freeze. That has kept me busy. I've taken loads to work for the sharing table too. Speaking of work, there has been extra shifts too, one at a moments notice, just to keep me on my toes.

On Saturday night I was delighted to be invited to a 21st birthday party. The lovely Jorja used to work with me, I mentored her at the beginning of her nursing journey. She is now a fully qualified nurse and making her mark on the world. I'm so happy to have been a small part of that journey. It was wonderful to help her celebrate 21 years.

She was the recipient of the purple zippy pouch which I had filled with essential girly items and a gift voucher.
Phew, it's good to have a couple of days off, though they don't look like being quiet days. Tomorrow morning, bright and not quite so early I'll be meeting Janet at the wharf. Her cruise ship will be docking here in Timaru for the day. Betty, Chooky, Janice and co met up with her when she was in Sydney to start her cruise, now it is my turn. No big crowd, just the two of us. I hope the weather stays nice.
So I'll need to do all of my chores today. The washing is already on the line, the kitchen is spic and span, just the groceries and a little dusting left to complete. 
Then maybe I'll get back to my Chookshed Challenge #2 
I realised that I didn't share it yet. My list says I'm to work on my Poppy quilts this month.
So I pulled them out and set about working on Papaver Pazazz.
The other day I layered and pinned and started quilting, then I unquilted.
Then I layered and pinned and started quilting again, then I unquilted again!
I was trying to do some walking foot quilting on my domestic machine but it just wasn't happening. So I left it alone for a day or two.
Finally I put it onto the frame and made a start there.
I'm still not convinced but at least it got a little further.
The pattern instructions say to layer and quilt before adding the applique......
I wish I had read that bit instead of forging ahead.....
I'll keep you posted, I have a couple more weeks of March left.
I just remembered that I need to make bread today too, I'm off to put the machine on before I head out for groceries.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow. 

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Mint choc chip ice cream recipe.

 A new recipe for you to try, and you don't need an ice cream machine.

This is a keto recipe, but that's ok, you could use sugar where we used stevia, it would be just fine.

Mint Choc Chip Ice Cream 

4 cups heavy whipping cream divided.

6 Table spoons butter

3/4 cup of granulated sweetener.

1 Tspn peppermint extract

1/2 Tspn vanilla

1 cup choc chips

10 drops green colouring (Optional).

In a medium saucepan add 2 cups of the cream, the sweetener and the butter. Stir over a medium heat until the butter melts and the sweetener dissolves. Increase the heat and bring to a gentle boil, then lower the heat and simmer again for 30 minutes stirring occasionally. 

Pour into a glass container and allow to cool to room temperature. (I tasted it at this point. YUM).

Once cooled add the peppermint extract and vanilla. Then add the green colouring a little at a time until you achieve the strength you like and set aside.

In a medium mixing bowl whip the remaining two cups of cream until stiff peaks form. Gently fold in the peppermint mixture then fold in the chocolate chips. Freeze for four hours or longer. The longer you freeze it the more time it will need to sit out before serving. It thaws to a mousse like consistency.

Tony and I did not whip the second batch of cream to stiff peaks, I stopped at a softer consistency then after folding in the peppermint mixture we poured the batter into our ice cream churn.

It had a lovely soft scoop texture which we all loved.
Especially Mr Torstein.

This one is on our make again list.

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Heirloom Adventures.

 Very late in February I was having problems sleeping, my mind was being kept busy with a bundle that came my way some time ago, someone was nagging at me to make some progress. After three very restless nights I pulled out a box of precious items and sent a plea to Janice, asking for some help. We bounced a few ideas around in messenger and came up with a plan for some of the items. One or two still need more thought. One thing was very clear, I really, really need to record this stuff.

So here goes. When mum was diagnosed with Leukemia back in 2013 she started to have one last big sort out. Many items came my way and many of them are used here in our home daily, some were gifted to my children and some I chose to hang onto with a plan to do 'something'. Those items are what I'm sharing today.  

This cute wee bib was made for my sister Fiona, who sadly died as a very young child. Myself and my other three sisters all wore it too, on very special occasions only. It's been around since 1967. I'm not one hundred percent about who made it. Maybe my Gran? Or maybe my great grand mother?

The Hedgehog bib was made by my Great grand mother when my brother was born, it's been around since 1965.
This little yellow jacket was made by my Great, great grand mother for my mum when she was born, in 1944.
It is pure silk and all hand sewn.
This little white jacket was made at the same time.
This yellow romper suit was my brothers and the cute wee pink piggies were added when my sister Fiona wore it. I'm sure myself and my sister Kirsty also wore it.
This last item of clothing mine from when I was a tiny baby.
My younger sisters and my own daughter also wore it.
That's it for the clothing items and after my wee brainstorming session with Janice I know where they are going. A plan has been born. It needs a tweak or two but I have the basics.
Thank you Janice.
Also in the bag of goodies were some items of table ware.
This wee set I remember well. My Grandmother made it.
It lived on her dressing table. The big oval was in the middle, a tray lived on it with a beautiful brush, comb and hand mirror set. The two smaller pieces were sat on either side. Sometimes they would have a vase of flowers or a small pot plant on them.
I didn't know the provenance of this next piece. I don't recall it, but mum assured me it was made and used by my Gran.
This tray cloth came from a set that was mums. I remember the table cloth that matched it, I'm don't know where that went, but I'm sure one of my siblings is keeping it safe.
There were also six or eight serviettes, I hope they are with the table cloth.
These two serviettes were also in the bag.
I really do not know where they came from and don't recall asking mum about them. But, Tony has a table cloth that he purchased in China and has a set of napkins matching it. These two very closely resemble that set. They may end up together.
And finally. 
A wee table cloth that Mum started to embroider when she was eleven years old.
Tucked into the bag along with it were the threads she was using stored in an old cigarette box! That would have been Her Aunt Effies. (My Grans sister, Great Aunt Euphemia, but we all called her Aunt Effie.).
 and Mums hussif that she had made herself.
My chat with Janice convinced me that I should complete the embroidery. 
Some of the motifs needed very little to see them finished while others are not even started.
Two French knots were all that was needed here.
A little more this time.

After two sessions I have only the middle motifs left to sew.
Yes it is stained and I can tell that my mother was an inexperienced embroiderer. But as Janice had to keep reminding me, it just adds to the story and provenance of the item. It is after all 70 years old, when I reach that age I'm sure I will have a few blemishes too.
Thank you Janice for helping me sort these items and set my mind to what needed to be done.
That particular night visitor is now letting me get some rest. I wonder which one of my ancestors it was keeping me awake?

I plan to add a new page at the top of my blog and use it to record progress for this particular collection.

The February Round Up.

Another month is gone. We started the month with my lovely Mums birthday and we end it with my Grans birthday. Well we would if it was a leap year. Yes she was born on the 29th. 

I set out to write this post on 1st March, yesterday but a recent update sent my laptop to a blue screen! Oh no! Lucky for me I have Mr IT Tony and he was able to rescue it and get it working again for me.

So here we are a day later and  how did I go with my February goals?

The Chookshed Challenge.
I pulled out #10, it was an adopted piece that I had picked up at an Altrusa sale.
I finished the block that had been started then made one of my own.
And decided that this project really is not for me. The fabrics are pretty but of very poor quality. I thought about it for a while and took on board all of your comments and thought about it some more then put all the fabrics back into their bag and sent them to the Op shop. I'm sure someone will give them some love. That said I'm going to call this one done. I did make progress after all, I completed 2 blocks.
Next on my list was to complete a Christmas Ornament.
Yes, just one this month.
Sew or Crochet for 15 Minutes a day.
Nope, I failed.
I did make some progress on my scrappy crochet project and even did some hand sewing for 15 minutes most days but not every day.
Work on my Pretty Little Pots project.
Well I printed out some of the patterns does that count?
Try a new recipe and share if it's good.
We have tried a couple of new recipes, but they were not meals we will be making again, so only one share for February.
Walk every day.
Well of course I walked every day, but those extra walks....?
Not every day. I think I missed about 6 days so not bad but no gold star.
So if my goals are such a wash out what did I do?
I put together two scrappy quilt tops.
I plan to add some Applique to this one. BUt I will quilt it first I think.
It's difficult to see here but these fabrics are mostly stitching and sewing related.
This top just needs quilting.
Of course I spent time in the garden gathering produce, clearing out the old and planting new crops.
Which means I spent time in the kitchen making sauces and relishes and preparing produce for the freezer.
Talking to Tony yesterday and we agreed that if you had said to us 15 or even 12 years ago that we would be gardeners and have a large greenhouse and be producing our own vegetables we would not have believed you. 
I played with some French General fabrics and made some secret stuff.
I took my EPP along to patchwork club and started another Celestial Star.
And pulled out some orphan blocks creating a small quilt top. Janice and Chooky both had input on the borders. Thank you ladies.
This is only a small top, good for a cot maybe. I want to practice using my rulers when I quilt this one.
As I said earlier I have been picking away at my crochet project.
It's not pretty, just lots of different yarns all hooked together. It will keep someone warm though.
I pulled out some more scraps and made a cute wee pouch.
It looks quite pink here, but I assure you it is purple.
My really big Hurrah! for the month was getting my Blue Lanterns EPP quilted and bound.
I gave myself a pat on the back for closing the binding by machine. 
I'm very happy with this one.
And finally, on the second to last day of the month I sent out a plea for help to Janice once again but the reason for that deserves a post of it's very own. I'll do that soon.
So although my goals didn't add up to much, as you see I did achieve quite a bit in the shortest month of the year.
I hope your February was a good one. 

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Quilted and Bound.

Today has been a really good day. I spent most of it busy at my quilting frame. Blue Lanterns was all loaded up yesterday and ready to go! I did take a couple of breaks to go grocery shopping and eat lunch, but mostly I've been busy quilting.
I used a lovely meander. I have used this design before and it was a breeze going along with it today.
Muscle memory kicked in very quickly and it was like quilting an old friend.
I was worried that I might run out of bobbin halfway through the last row, but that didn't happen. I was so very happy about that. 
A quick trim and I got busy with the binding.
Sorry it's blurry, but I'm sure you can see that it is black and white. It's actually a piece of zebra fabric that came from mums small collection. It looks good around the lanterns. I closed the binding on my machine rather than by hand. Usually I enjoy hand closing but I forgot and put the binding onto the front as normal, then remembered that the pretty blue minky on the back has a short pile, like velvet or velour. Not great to close binding by hand I thought. So I had my second go at closing on the machine. I'm happy with the result. 8.5/10 I think.
Lets go for a walk around the garden. It's very warm outside today but quite overcast, good for photos.
No garden photo shoot would be right without a tree shot. The cherry tree this time.
And over the deck railing, with the Wedding Cake tree photo bombing.
Sidle along just a bit and we get a better view.
There you have it. 
Blue Lanterns EPP is complete.
What next I wonder?

Monday, 24 February 2025

Pootling on with this and that.

In between work shifts and home duties I've made some time to continue with my scrappy crochet. No pretty pattern just using up left overs.
What looks like a big ole wobble on the left there is really not a wobble, I have the same number of stitches in all the rows, so I guess one of the yarns is bulkier than the rest and pushes things out a little. I'm hoping that when I add border rounds it will become less obvious. If it doesn't? Meh, its a scrappy donor. I can live with it.
Still on the subject of scraps, of all the things I could be doing today, to progress some of my WIPs I opted instead to play with some purple scraps.
These pretty purple batiks are left overs from Charmaines Quilt, made back in 2020.
It really didn't take long for me to sort out enough pieces to make front and back pieces for a zippy pouch.
The perfect birthday gift for a young lady who loves purple. 
I'll add a gift voucher too.
That done I moved back to project that I had played with earlier in the day. I had started the day by pulling papers out of the edges of my Blue Lanterns EPP. After completing the purple pouch I decided to give the lanterns a good press before loading them on to the frame for quilting. Good thing I did as I found a point seam allowance that was on the wrong side......
How did I manage that?
A quick few moments with Jack the ripper and I was ready to fix it up.
Now I'm off to load it on to the frame.

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Life has been busy.

 My weekend off work was very busy. As you know I went along to Patchwork & Quilting club. Then went along to the exhibition at the Art Gallery. I shared images of the quilts exhibited in my last post. I didn't get as much sewing done as I hoped to do at club. I took along my Celestial Stars EPP.

Saturday evening saw Tony and I sat on a grassy bank outside the local Museum, watching Retro Rocks, a free concert that the Timaru Museum puts on every year. 

The concert draws a good family crowd.
It was a good night with four different acts and a dancing troupe who did two performances.
The little children kept us entertained dancing away in front of the stage.
Where do they get their energy? One tiny dot was dancing away until well after 10pm.
We didn't get home until late.

Sunday was busy with Grand children and then an afternoon tea with neighbours later in the day.

Then back to work Monday and Tuesday. I really was ready for a day off today. Especially after two very sleepless nights. Monday and Tuesday nights I lay awake for long periods with a mind busy planning quilts. I went into my room this morning planning to pull supplies for one of those quilts. And I did just that, then put everything away again and pulled out some orphan blocks. LOL

I had a few scrappy triangle blocks sitting awaiting their turn.

The Sunbonnet Sue blocks have been waiting for fifteen or more years. They needed a little tweaking so that they would play nicely with the triangles.

Janice and Chooky both gave me some help with fabric choices for sashing strips and borders.
It's lovely to have input from friends.
It really didn't take long to find the right fabrics and before the morning was over, I had a completed top.
I think I'll use my rulers to quilt this one. It's time I pulled them out and had another play.
So what else has been happening? 
This morning I baked a chocolate brownie and a loaf of bread. Both packet mixes. I'm happy to cheat sometime. LOL
I have missed out on some of my walks recently so hopefully I can make up for some of those during my days off. 
A busy life has gotten in the way of my crafting and to be honest some days I barely managed my 15 minutes. On those days I pulled out my crochet. I really should get an image of it for you. It isn't much yet. I'll try to get one later today. 
What does the rest of the day have in store? You know me, I have lots of things going on here, I'm sure I'll find something.*
I hope you had a great weekend and that your week goes as planned.