I've had a go at most needle crafts and knitting is no exception. Watching a colleague making little jackets for a great niece got my juices flowing again.
I'm feeling rather pleased with myself as I finally taught myself the 'thumb method' for casting on! I've tried and tried to teach myself from written instructions, but yesterday good old youtube came to the rescue.
I actually only learned to knit about 12 years ago, a very patient colleague taught me the basics and from there I just picked things up as I went along.
I had tried to learn to knit several times, mothers efforts to teach me were not successful, but she's a leftie and I think that may have had something to do with it. My gran had a go at teaching me too, but until 12 years ago all I was able to knit was a mess!
I have another late shift today, so after a quick trip into the shops I'll be knitting until it's time for work.
Some previous efforts. (This is my picturetrail album, there are lots of crafts here, from before I started this blog.)
1) Youtube. (It's amazing just how many craft tutes are on there.)
2) Late shifts.
3) Colleagues.
Your quilt is looking great. The sashings and border worked out well. I've never tried casting on with the thumb method. Does it give a nicer finish? Good on you for diving in at the deep end with a larger project.
Pretty yarn. I was able to teach myself a basic crochet recently from a book (usually I'm a "show me" learner). As for knitting...I'm a clutz. Love the shimmery fabric in your pinwheel quilt.
Lovely yarn, going to make a gorgeous jacket
Love your knitting - very brave to do a jacket, but it will be gorgeous!
You got that quilt top together pretty quick too!
Your quilt is looking fabulous! Love that yarn!
It really is another world to be. So popular now too. It is a beautiful looking material that I do know.
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