The program I use when playing about with quilt designs and experimenting with colours does not allow me to save the images in any format that is usable elsewhere. But yesterday I had the bright idea of taking photos!

I'm definitely leaning toward a pale sashing here, but whether to go for blue or white? I still am undecided.
Any Suggestions?
I had a pain of a day in the office today, I was booted off the computer and didn't manage to finish my own work but somehow ended up doing somebody elses. I should have left an hour early, in order to reclaim time owed after working late last week, note i say 'SHOULD HAVE' . I'm not such a happy soul today.
1) Brighter mornings and evenings.
2) A girls night out, last night.
3) Two patient and understanding bosses.
I'm thinking light blue, but the colours can change on here. That's a pencil case to be proud of
I went to a seminar some time ago and one of the speakers had a message for us to take away......"I will not should on myself today"......I try to live by that but it's not always easy...I was always saying "I should" do something....and making myself feel bad if I didn't....I should finisht that tonight before I go home...well you know how it is....I often didn't take a lunch break at work because "I should get this finished this morning"....not I take time out for me...and always take a break at lunchtime for my own sanity..sometimes the more you do the more is expected.....so I do try not to "should" on myslef anymore......I try!
LOVE that pencil case! Very cool fabric.
As for the quilt, I think the dark blue for the borders makes a nice bold statement. I really like it the best :)
Great pencilcase.
I was going to say, but notice someone else already has that I really like the dark blue borders. I like how it makes the pinwheels float.
Nicely done Loulee!
BTW you can do a screen capture..and paste the image in a paint program..if you have one!
The blocks have more contrast in actuality than on the programme, so I think the pale blue is best - although it's a hard decision as they all look good.
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