On a happier and quiltier note, you may remember I said I was going to make some 4 square blocks, well, I changed my mind, deciding instead to stick to the strip effect/theme begun by the log cabin blocks. So I've now made a bundle of these rail fence blocks.

At least I think they are rail fence, or a variation of, I've looked all over and can find nothing like these! I know I didn't invent something new, so unless someone corrects me I'll stick with the rail fence theory. These are just a few of them awaiting their last press before being trimmed and tidied.

I've had a play on the floor, (it passes as my design wall, if I stand on a chair I get a pretty good overall view!) and so far I'm settled on 4 log cabin stars, with a cross of these rail fence blocks running between them, a matching sash and border, then maybe a second or third border, I'll see how it feels once I have the first one on. On that note I am once again awaiting the arrival of some fabric, I wish there was a good quilty or even general sewing shop nearby! There are two stitchy crafty shops in town, neither of whom sell fabrics! The closest shop which does sell fabric has only a tiny selection as she is also stocking countless other stitchy crafts.
Shop local only works if the local shops will stock or provide what we want.
Have a good day all.
Loulee, whatever it's called it looks really nice! Have fun with it!
I LOVE your fabric. It's beautiful! Can't wait to see more of it as you complete it and then see the whole effect.
Great job Loulee. It looks great. Can't wait to see it when it's finished. Good luck.
Wonderful job Loulee :) I love the colours that you cose for your Railfence block . And they are called Rail Fence my nana made one back in the 30's with 4 rail's instead of the normal 3 :) I can't wait to see what you do next !
Yum! Delicious looking fabrics, good job.
Have fun with the online shopping, i get most of mine that way as well, only a few nasty surprises! Tracey
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