Then set to and did a very loose meander, meandering around the paper shapes as I came to them, and remembering to add a few curly cues. While I'm not overjoyed with my results I don't think I made a total mess of it.
More practice was had, and more practice is needed! LOL
So this morning, before I have to go earn a living I'll be piecing the binding and hopefully getting it on so I can slip it closed tomorrow.
In the meantime, did I mention that my sister Moya likes sunflowers?
Having seen my results with the turning twenty style, she now fancies a go at that.
Who would have thought there were so many sunflower fabrics out there? Yes, we know there are only nineteen, she's looking for another, but if that fails there is far more than a fat quarter each of these fabrics! When last seen she was frantically searching for something to use as backing.
It's a good day for staying at home, I just looked out of the window, it's windy, wet and miserable out there. I'm glad I don't have to go far to get to work.
Take care,
I give you credit looks great! I like the stars idea...very clever!
Hmmm, sunflower fabrics. If she can't find what she's looking for, I have 'a few' that might work. Let me know.
Jeanne :)
Great use for the baking paper. I love your new signature too - cool !
Great idea for the parchment paper. I, too, have three sunflower fabrics that would work. They are yours for the asking.
Oh well done, that girl! See? You too can do free motion work. Another terrific help with free mtion work is to mark with a washable Crayola felt tip or even better for me, (because I can see it clearly), is a black ink Berol HANDWRITING roller ball type pen. It must be one of the red barrel pens with HANDWRITING on it. Naturally you must test first to see if it will wash out..........:}
If your sister wants more sunflower fabrics let me know. I live in sunflower country and the local fabric warehouse and loads of French Provençal fabric.
Envious of you doing free motion. I don't think my sewing machine is up to it.
Hmm, very clever idea, using the cut paper as a guide.... I'll have to steal that one....
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