I'll get to the timing thing later! Although a day out with my sisters yesterday went a long way to improving my mood.
Our baby sister Nerine is on the island, she escaped to uni a few years ago and has managed to stay away, except for summer visits.
At less than 5 foot she packs a whole load of personality into a tiny body! She is fun to be with and has an infectious entheusiasm for life.

As I think I mentioned we visited Port Erin so Moya and I could go quilty shopping. I was very restrained and bought only a couple of fat quarters to go in with my swap quilt. We had lunch just over the edge of the cliff there in a cafe that was practically on the beach. We saw one man who was brave and sat outside, loose his lunch to a cheeky seagull.

Before leaving Port Erin Nerine had a look around and did the touristy thing, lots of pics and photos. We also wandered into a few shops, and in one of them Moya and I were delighted to find 7 yes, seven different quilty magazines!! That is unheard of this far north! LOL I bought Fons and Porters Love of Quilting, then promptly subscribed this morning, what a great mag. (I have seen one other copy which
Janet sent to me last year, I loved that too.) There are at least two patterns in the May June issue which I'd love to make.

On the scenic, for Nerines benefit, drive home we stopped to take this pic, looking south over the East coast of the island.
Now to the perfect timing.
On my doorstep this morning as we were off out shopping I found a package, look what was in it!!

My share of the 'Another Little Quilt Swap' I think, I have to admit to being a little confused by the label. Isn't it pretty! No way would I ever have choosen these colours for myself, but I love it. I gave my unknown partner a totally open brief, no colours, no styles, surprise me. And thats exactly what
Annette did.

Thank you Annette for a beautiful little quilt. I treid to get close up on the quilting, Annette has echoed the shape of the appliqued flowers and done some meandering hearts, perhaps you can see it better on this pic of the back. See what I mean about the label?

My own version is here all wrapped up and waiting for the post office on Monday morning. It is on it's way to the united States, I hope it arrives swiftly and safely with it's new owner ........?
Oh Yeah and I have Monday and Tuesday off work! Monday is half claimed, more application forms.......Tuesday is half claimed, more sisters time. Maybe I'll get a little work done on DS2 quilt.
Speaking of DS2 I took a break from cutting his quilt to catch up here, I'd better get back to it, he'll be home soon!
Have a great weekend.