I've told you my big son works on a fishing boat right? Being a boy who likes to get in and dirty with stuff he never had the nicest hands, they were always dirty no matter how long he soaked in the bath, always had cuts and scrapes on them and he chews his nails too! Ew! All that dirt. Well even he has admitted that his hands are a mess now! We have tried all sorts to get them to settle but nothing so far seems to work. The skin is dried and flaking off and there is dirt ingrained in the cracks which are all over both hands, he says they are sore.
On Tuesday night I sat with winter village for a while and managed to complete the back stitching on the lower portion of the design, it's almost complete now.
There are a few more snow drifts, one little cottage and a tree left to stitch, I could have it done in no time if I pull my socks up. Don't think I'm doing it today though.
Back to the normal grind for me today, back to my shift in the unit and I have to go in early to attend a meeting. But before that, Moya is coming here this morning, I plan to make a couple more bags for the girlies Christmas presents and we may even go out for lunch, if the rain stops that is.
1) An extra blanket on the bed.
2) A hot cuppa
3) A morning off work.

Sorry about your son's hands, we have been fighting a battle here with dry cracking hands, and we don't seem to have any luck either.
The snow scene looks so nice Lou..can't wait to see it finished!
Loulee - my first husband was a dairy farmer and suffered terribly with cracked hands as obviously they were in and out of water all the time during milking in the coldest weather. He used to use a liquid made up for him at the chemist called 'Glycerin and Opadeldoc' which was really good - it smelt a bit like deep heat crossed with Vick and was quite a thin clear liquid but when rubbed in it really helped - why not pop into your local pharmacy and ask them if they can make it up for you to try, I don't remember it being that expensive. The other thing that I've tried on the awfully dry rough skin on my elbows is a clearish ointment which my GP prescribed for my son's rough skin (often soap powders don't agree with him but not enough to get full blown eczema) - it was called Aveeno - it may only be available on prescription but might be worth a try too
Glad you're having better days. Hang in there!
Jeanne :)
Sorry about your son's hands. I think advice from the pharmacist would be a good idea, or have you tried E45? It's a very good cream for all dry skin problems. Good luck.
Your son might want to try bag balm...it works great on super chapped cracked skin. if he can stand it...have him slather it on his hands at night and then sleep in gloves. Its really inexpensive and works on all kinds of things :)
good luck!
Wow, we live in a dry climate and a lot of us suffer with dried, cracked hands - poor boy - lots of cream and gloves at night I would suggest. Do you have something like Heel Balm over there - maybe he needs to go to that extreme.
Another lovely cross stitch!
Hugs - Lurline.
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