The Isle of Man ground to a halt in the early hours of the morning today. Two of the three main routes were closed by a heavy fall of snow and the one remaining road is now partially blocked by abandoned vehicles! The only people who made it to work are those who were close enough and brave enough to walk in.
I hope you're all warm and dry.
I managed to get in an hour of stitching last night, I've now completed all of Gail Pans Christmas Wishes. :-) I had planned to get them made into a top today, but having Tony home put a spanner in that idea. I also plan to get another of last years Block a Month projects out and try to complete it before January is ended! Oh! And I need to go shopping for some batting.
1) It's not raining.
2) The heating works
3) Extra time with my Husband.

Stay in and stay warm. We've got the snow now and it's not looking good
Love and hugs Gina xxx
I was supposed to get the boys today, but the snow has put paid to that. Hope you get to work and back safely if you have to go
Boy, you did get a dumping! Everything looks so pristine, even the supermarket car park. Stay warm.
Stay safe & warm...nice that you had the day with the birthday boy!
Stay warm....! wonderful that you got to spend some time with the birthday boy though! we are heading for 41C for a few days so it looks like extremes on both ends of the thermometer!
Brrr...stay warm and safe...happy birthday to your hunney!
He he funny you got some snow!! Guess It is not normal for your place at all... My recipy is to stay inside , make hot chocolate and waffels..
And maybe some sewing.
Hope it defrosts for you all soon. Great photos. Its quite warm here in Australia at the moment. Its good seeing the seasons on the other side of the world.
Hope you get lots of sewing done.
Hello Loulee, it is hard for me to imagine that amount of snow...we are experiencing a heat wave at the moment....stay warm..Regards Lyn
I am lucky enough to be able to have some flexibility in my work pattern, as since it's 16 miles to work, I can't walk there! Hoping the weather either clears up or gets too bad to contemplate travel by Monday!
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