I really do have a case of the Blahs today. I just can't seem to settle to anything. I tried fiddling with these for a while, but that was boring.

That was after I had moved these......

From here to there.

I have a whole day off and I've wasted half of it trying to decide what to do with myself!
Maybe if I put a movie on and curl up here............

Just maybe the afternoon will be more settled.
I'm off to look for a movie.
I hope your day is more productive than mine.
Glad to hear that it's not just me that can't settle Lou!! If I clean any more drawers out DH will be looking out for the men in white coats to arrive :-) Perhaps its the unusual sunshine that's doing it ? Just hope it doesn't last too long, eh!!
Hope your movie did the trick. I have had the blahs for a week or so now. Maybe it's something in the air? I keep rearranging my sewing too!
You're allowed days like that. I hope you managed to curl up and just chill out and enjoy the movie.
hugs Deb
It sounds like me most of the time! A movie sounds like it might be a good idea - no need to do anything. I'm sure your mojo will return fairly quickly.
Blah is a common theme at the moment...hope you had a happy day despite them!
I've had the same problem so I have found myself outside, reading. I have read three books in the last couple of weeks.
Know the feeling well. I grew up with never being able to settle to anything and it's only now (in my third youth) that I can sit and sew for any length of time.
Hope you enjoyed your film. Better luck today with your deciding what to do.
Sometimes you just have to go with the flow. I've found it's better not to push on, as that's how mistakes happen!
Some days are just like that. I've come to realize that we don't have to be busy every single second of the day for it to be a good day! I think putting your feet up and watching a movie is perfect for a day like that. Take care, Paula
Is that one of those raw edge flower quilts made out of Mill House Inn?
I really want to see the finished product. Really!
Is that one of those raw edge flower quilts made out of Mill House Inn?
I really want to see the finished product. Really!
think we all get days like that. Just go with the flow, enjoy your film and tomorrow is another day
Having too much to choose from paralyzes me too, and then I am mad when I waste away my free time. Aggravating what our brains do to us when we know better! Hope some handwork inspired other needle and thread busyness.
Dear Loulee,
I hope your blahs are better. Now...a dilemma! I have in the back of my mind that you said to me "come stay with me on the Isle of Man when you come to the UK". However, I cannot lay my hand on an email or message - am I dreaming?
I will be there in a week so I'm trying to get a vague sort of itinerary worked out. If you did make this offer, please email me shirleyjgoodwin@gmail.com.
many thanks,
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