I fell last Sunday, not the dramatic cartwheeling cartoon style tumble down the stairs. More of a slither really, you know when you step out just a little too far and there is not enough foot on the lower step and off you go, bump, bump, slither, bump! I came to rest about seven steps later. Thank goodness the flights are short in this house. I've spent the whole week nursing my aches and watching my technicolour bruises change almost daily. Add to that, I've had early shifts all week, what did I do to deserve that? I've been too tired and sore to do much more than put the final stitches into the pot holders I showed in my last post and do a little crochet. Maybe now the worst of the aches are gone I can get some time in on DDs quilt over my weekend off.
I have distractions though, all this reading material is vying for my attention too.

After a couple of weeks of beautiful sunny and warm days the weather, true to form, has turned cold and wet again, just in time for the first day of the biggest event on the Isle of Man sporting calender. The World Famous TT Races. For more info, look here and here.
I'm off to play.
Take care.