I finally got my third round of potholders made. I didn't think I would actually get them in the mail until Saturday, the closing day, but my
Hunney came to my rescue and mailed them today.

Thank you Sweetheart. I'm rather pleased with them and just couldn't resist the addition of the gold tassels. A bit flash for a kitchen, but you know, I just had to do it.

I've also
received some mail. My share of the booty arrived yesterday. As well as a pretty note pad, this lovely wall linen was also enclosed. Isn't it pretty.

My partner Peg has been lurking on my blog and knows I'm a sucker for a pretty blue, so she came up with these beauties.

My photography does them very little justice, they really do have a much nicer colour than you see here. Thank you so much Peg, for all my gifts and the lovely letter.
P.S. You can comment on my blog now! ;-)
Must be off, Hunney wants to do something to my laptop!
Take care.
Very nice! I got all quilty inspired while I was staying with you, but haven't been able to do any so I'm knitting instead.
Your potholders are really lovely!
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