Just look at the word verification! I've seen this sort of thing pop up before, but never thought to get a photo.
And now to the title of the post......
Remember my lesson in reading book reviews? Well my sock loom finally arrived from the USA last week. Typically just after I managed to master the Double pointed needle technique. Anyway last night I finally got around to having a play with the loom. I have to say, I'm glad I mastered the multiple needle method. What a fuss and fiddle! You're given an instrument which looks like it comes from a torture chamb, er sorry, dentists surgery. The smaller end bars on the loom itself slide up and down the length allowing you to change the number of pins you're working on, they're held in place with elastic bands. Well, I'm not impressed. The torture instrument kept catching the elastic bands and getting at the end panel which had been slid into the middle was to say the least fiddly.

I'm off to do something crafty and constructive with my afternoon.
Aww - what a shame Lou ! How much did you pay for the loom ? Perhaps you could sell it on eBay and recoup some of your money xx
That does look like a lot more work than just knitting! Can you send the darn thing back and get your money?
The little pink and cream sweater is just darling.
cutting the losses seems the best thing to do
I did believe you, really I did! LOL I'd have never thought to take a photo of the screen.
What a disappointment with the sock loom. I like the idea of trying to offload it on Ebay.
funny how sometimes the words can roughly be made into something to do with the blogger or the topic posted about.............weird.......
How disappointing! I wish that sock thing worked, cause it's the only way I'd ever be able to knit socks!
I try not to get seduced by clever gadgets - very few of them are as clever as they would have you believe! But how disappointing to wait for this and find it's useless!
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