How long?
I realised today that it has been two weeks since I posted a blog!
I have been sooooo busy.
Sadly very little of that busyness involved anything crafty.
There has been plenty of work in the gardens though.
We are now the proud owners of a green house.
We just need to build it!
There was an area in the garden, where the previous owners had a trampoline.
In the perfect position for our green house.
So the area has been cleared of weeds and holes dug to support the anchors.
The supporting base layer has been built.
Then the weekend was over!
We had a tree surgeon come along and tackle some of the larger trees on the property. He lopped the tops off them and gave them a good tidy up.
What a difference. There is much more light in both the house and the garden.
It has made it much easier for us to see exactly what we want to do beneath the trees.
And we have continued to clear things out.
Of course chopping things down is easy. The task of pulling out roots and stumps is not so easy.
But eventually we managed to clear a space to plant the pretty Escalonia bush that my mother in law bought for me. She tells me it will attract butterflies. I know for sure it attracts bees, they are always busy around it. You can just see it's white flowers here beneath the big cherry tree.
(Janice, this is the patch just outside your bedroom window)
There is still one corner we didn't yet manage to start on!!
We didn't even decide what will be staying.
Here is one of those bees I mentioned earlier.
I was picking the last of the tomatoes in our glass porch and two of these guys flew in.
They were huge, about 2cm long. And very noisy as they buzzed frantically trying to get out again!
Now that autumn has arrived work in the garden is changing, I find myself sweeping up leaves.
I love the colours of the autumn leaves and the rustle as you gather them together.

Huge numbers of bulbs have popped up, I have no idea what they are.
I wish they would hurry and show their flowers.
There are plenty of mushrooms too, again, I have no idea what variety they are.
And I certainly won't be cooking them.
I made time last week to plant a winter veg garden onto a small patch that was cleared a while ago.
We have turned the earth several times and pulled weeds time and again until they gave up.
(We hope).
I have cabbages, Caulis and brocolli here. On the end, in the sunshine, under the frost net are some beans. I'll move those into the green house, as soon as it is built, then pop something else into that corner.
Amid all of the work in the garden, I have taken on more hours at work. So there are more of those 4.30am wake ups!
But that's ok, cause I get to come home to this wee cutie. I put this box out by the door to go into the recycle collection, it didn't take long for Belle to claim it.
Cats and boxes!
They like sleeping too!
Time to get on.
Debs gave me a bag of rhubarb the other day and I didn't do anything with it yet.
So that is one of todays jobs.
Along with the bag of chillies father in law delivered.
After I had cleared the last of the tomatoes I made a lovely tomato sauce to freeze. I'll use it for lasagne, spag bol and the like through the winter. We already used some, it was delicious. I want to grow more tomatoes next year!!
I promised myself that after I get all my chores done today I WILL sit and sew a little on my Christmas story blocks, while I watch a movie.
Hopefully Belle will sleep and not try to help.
She is watching closely right now, very interested in my actions.
She keep attacking screen as my pictures move on it and the cursor could be hours of fun!
Are you still here?
Did you read all the way to the end?
Leave me a comment, please.
it's good to see you are making your garden your own. I hope it's not too cold down there at the moment. Chilly by our standard up here today.
Hello Loulee. More than happy to leave you a comment. You sound very much like me at the moment spending more time on garden produce than sewing. Come and visit me at if you like. I would love you to have a look around. I too recently moved "overseas" .....ok,ok.....only from mainland Australia to Tasmania!
When you have finished with your garden Mick reckons you can come and start ours. You certainly have been very productive. It's looking great. It sounds like quite a juggling act now that you have more hours at work.
Good luck with getting some stitching done. My guess is that you will have a helper.
You will love your greenhouse when you get it assembled.
Cute cat!
Yes, I read to the end. I'm terribly behind with my blog reading again, but here I am
You've been busy, that's for sure, and Belle has been busy growing from the look of her.
Very exciting with the greenhouse! It does sound like you've been busy - taking advantage of the autumn weather before you hibernate :-) I've been waiting for a decent rain before I get back into the garden as it's been soooo dry up here....hopefully the rest of the week I can now do some autumn tasks with a bit of rain the last few days.
a greenhouse will be soooo wonderful! you guys will love it...though youve planted lots of goodies without it, so i think the green house will really rock things! :)
i love your little kitty....he looks just like ours :)
hugs and enjoy your harvest!
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