There was no road trip this weekend, but there was some wonderful sewing.
Debbie joined me at my place this time and made use of my quilting frame.
I think she had fun.
There were certainly lots of smiles.
This beautiful quilt was finished with an all over meander. This was the first time Debbie had ever tried quilting on a frame.

I am delighted for her. Just the binding left to do. Debbie plans a scrappy style of binding, using up the off cuts from the top.
Like me, Debbie has more than one crafty project on the go.
Her other current project is a crochet blanket. Inspired by the various versions of 'Flowers in snow' that she has seen on the internet she set off using up a bag of yarn scraps that she admitted she would probably have thrown away this time last year! LOL

This is going to be a very pretty blanket.
So while Debbie was doing all of that, what you may ask did I do?
I was there in a supporting role for Debbie. Helping with bobbin changes and resetting the frame when it was time, but I was also able to plod on slowly with my Spring Sprouts.
I made a start on stitching my blocks together into rows.
I'm about halfway done with that now and plan to do a little more later today.
I have to say, I have been thinking about how to quilt this one. An all over meander seems wrong.
Am I brave enough, and ready to try some simple custom quilting? Those star rows certainly will need something pretty.
Claire is still working on applique diamonds for her compass quilt.
No progress pics yet.
I'm off on a solo shopping trip today. I have one particular fabric that I need to purchase and none of the three shops we visited last week had it in stock!!
I probably won't be ready to start that particular project for a few weeks, but you know how it is.....
I NEED it and I NEED it now! LOL
I hope you had a lovely weekend of sewing too.

Debbie is sew lucky to have a lovely friend like you with a quilting frame she is able to use and have you there to help with it.
Love your quilt Debbie as blue / White is one of my favourite combos...pretty crocheting too!
WOW Lou your Spring Sprouts is beautiful and of course you can do custom quilting. Will be perfect.👍🏼
Hope you had fun shopping for your particular fabric....
It sounds like you are having a lot of fun. The garden must be settling down fo the winter, giving you more time to play inside.
Your Spring Sprouts is going to be a very pretty quilt indeed - it looks lovely so far.
What a productive weekend!! Good on Debbie with her quilt - the scrappy binding will be a fun finish. And I love your scrappy sprouts - you are making good progress :-)
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