Our day started early as usual and we were eating our bacon and eggs by 06.15.
I was pegging out a load of washing by 07.00 and as soon as Tony headed out to work I headed in to my room to plan my day. I knew I would need a trip to the garden center and the super market, and my efforts in the early morning showed that I also needed to visit the sewing center.
I was pegging out a load of washing by 07.00 and as soon as Tony headed out to work I headed in to my room to plan my day. I knew I would need a trip to the garden center and the super market, and my efforts in the early morning showed that I also needed to visit the sewing center.
At 8am I was on the doorstep waiting for the sewing center to open. Got what I needed there, next stop the garden center. I was spoiled for choice, how many varieties of cauliflower are there???
I settled on good old White cloud which produces lovely white football sized heads.
I settled on good old White cloud which produces lovely white football sized heads.
By 9.20 I had finished at the supermarket and was on my way home. By 10am I had my cauldron bubbling with a batch of tomato sauce. While it was busy with that, I got busy making a Lemon Cream Pie. (You can find it on my recipe page at the top of my blog). By 11 am the Lemon Pie was chilling in the fridge, the dishes were done and I was itching to go for a walk but the tomatoes were still bubbling. So on went the bread machine, and I watched a couple of video tutorials and prepared a few bits and pieces for the afternoon.
An earlyish lunch and finally the tomatoes were ready, I finished them off and poured them into freezer pots, leaving them to cool and did another load of washing up.
I finally made it into my room just before 1.00pm. When I got busy making a zippy pouch.
Bit of a washed out image, sorry. The sun has decided to burn off the cloud.
All those points caused me a few issues with bulky seams getting in the way occasionally but on the whole I'm happy with it. There will be more.
The bread machine beeped as I was taking photos of the pouch, so I put the dough into a pan and set it aside to rise. (We use the dough cycle only, preferring to put the dough into a normal loaf tin and not have that silly hole where the paddle sits). That done I put my shoes on and headed out for a late walk. I walked 8km through the scenic reserve listening to the cicadas and the birds. The warm sun on the gum trees filled the air with wonderful aromas. A hot but lovely walk. I pulled the washing off the line when I got home and had it all put away before Tony got home. The bread had risen and was ready to go into the oven. It made a lovely loaf.
Tony helped out in the garden for a while before tea, as I planted the cauliflower seedlings and we tidied up some low branches on the cherry tree. A bowl of tomatoes was picked before watering the greenhouses. I left the beans, I'll investigate them with the children on Sunday teaching them how to pick them nicely and hopefully have enough for Sunday lunch.
Home made Pizza for tea. Lets face it I have plenty of tomato sauce and fresh tomatoes for the topping. A little cheese, dice a left over meat pattie throw the lot onto a keto base and I was done.
Now I'm going to sit down for the evening and pick up my crochet.
I am tired and impressed what you get done in a day Lou!! Well done! I like the zippy pouch, very useful and that pizza looks wonderful.
Blimey! You should sleep well after all that!
One blissful day after another! Love the pouch. xx
My goodness, Lou....just reading about your day has tired me out!
You have had a very busy and productive day. You did manage a good walk too. Nice pouch.
Another busy day.... love the little zippy pouch...
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