I wish I had taken my camera yesterday, the sun was peeping in and out of the clouds and it was a beautiful day. Today it is overcast, but that doesn't spoil a beautiful walk in the country side. I live in the centre of town, but was gone from home for only 35
mins! And I was stopping to take pictures. Ramsey is a harbour town and the tidal
Sulby River spills into Ramsey bay via the harbour. My walk started on a foot path which runs alongside the river.
There were swallows swooping and diving catching insects all along this shore, but my camera skills are no match for them. This is one of many entrances to
Poyll Dooey Nature Reserve. (
Poyll means pool, I can find no translation of the word
Dooey, I suspect it is a miss pronunciation of someones name,
Dooeys Pool? A lot of the area was mashy and much of it remains that way as it is low lying, there are many tiny streams and seeps as well as a pool.)

Farther along the path you walk under the trees, here I was surrounded by birds singing. Then the path opens up a little

and you are greeted by a sign

As I continued along the path my way is scented by beautiful Honey Suckle,

And roses in the hedgerows.

And there are reminders that some of this area was once upon a time a council owned allotment and that were houses here with private gardens.

A low lying area has been allowed to become a pond, this area is fenced and often there are ducks and other water fowl to be seen. (Even at it's higest the tidal river never floods this pool).

Today I saw only flowers, though in the past I have seen some very magical creatures here.
This is not my picture, but it was taken at
Poyll Dooey. Isn't he magnificent?

The footpath opens out into a large area of about 2 acres, some areas are mowed to make green paths amid the wilder areas. There are signs dotted about telling the visitor what wildlife to look out for.
There are beautiful views to the south.

And this little guy seemed at ease and not at all concerned about my presence, in fact he posed for the camera.

Everywhere there are paths and trails leading this way and that, some lead into secret sheltered places.

There are larger open areas for children to play, with tables for picnics.

Nature is left to deal with things in her own time, with fallen trees left to do their own thing.

The gardens of old are reclaimed and slowly disappearing. Though not totally gone, I didn't get pictures but there are apple and plum trees, I saw countless cherry trees and I happen to know there are raspberries in there too.

There are many native and non native species of trees. Here an Elder is surrounded by a sea of wild flowers and nettles, I gathered my Elder flowers from a more accessible tree right beside the path.

As I said, today is overcast and a little cool, but I saw bees a plenty, black birds, ring necked doves and a plethora of tiny birds, probably finches. I saw only one butterfly, but on other days I've seen many. There are frogs in the pond, bunnies on the lawns, rowan trees, cherry trees, wild forget me
nots, ragged Robin flowers and Scarlett Pimpernels. Everywhere was green and beautiful.
When I was a child all of this looked very different, I mentioned that there used to be a couple of houses and some allotments, but the majority of it was a landfill site. It had been closed for sometime, and nature had already started to do her work when about 15 years ago, the council decided to help her along, they brought in tons of topsoil and got work. My few pictures simply do not do the area the justice it deserves. There are now footpaths along the river bank, amid the trees and through grasses. There are benches and tables and a memorial stone placed by the British Legion. Swallows swoop overhead and smaller birds chatter in the trees and shrubs. I could hear ducks on the river and have often seen Herons. An eyesore hidden away on the outskirts of town has become a beautiful place, a green oasis and a sanctuary not only for the wildlife but also for those of us who seek to leave the hustle and bustle of town behind and wish to enjoy a little peace and quiet.
Beautiful and I can just smell the honeysuckle.
You were right Loulee, a real treat. I love the smell of honeysuckle, lovely on a warm sunny evening. You have some lovely countryside to enjoy
Thanks for sharing your walk with us - I've never visited the IOM but DH went camping there with scouts in his teens and loved it - someday..........sigh.........
What a beautiful walk. Thank you for taking me along *s*
thanks for sharing your walk....it looks so pretty and it is interesting to see the remnants of gardens among the indigenous plants....and a good council story...so often their good work is not noticed but people are quick to notice anything negative...in our council area there is a wonderful bushgarden site which collects seeds etc and is staffed mainly by volunteers who do a fantastic job! Thanks again for sharing!
What a nice stroll -- thanks for inviting us along!
Honeysuckle is such a sweet summery scent!
Jeanne :)
Such a lovely break on this quiet walk. Thanks for inviting us all along. What a smart group for seeing the potential of helping nature repair the damaged land into something so enjoyable.
Nature is so beautiful, thank you for taking us for a walk through your lovely part of the world.
great photo of the dragonfly, I love them!
Hugs Julia
This was lovely to take a virtual walk round one of my favourite places through your eyes instead of mine.
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