For ages I linked to other blogs from 'my favorites', or for a short while a blogroll here on my blog, but it was frustrating clicking on everyone everytime only to find that some had not posted since last week, or last month!
For a while now I've been using Bloglines, which was easier and saved time as it told me who had updated, (well some of the time it did) but as that imports the posts I got lazy about leaving comments and was wondering what other options were available when up pops blogger with this latest toy! Fantastic.
There are 4-5 different options with regard to how you want it to look, and it then opens the link in a new window directly onto the blog page. Ideal for just clicking on the comments button. Sooooo.....Hopefully I should get better at commenting now!
Thank you to the clever bods at Blogger!
I didn't do any sewing today, I was too busy with my new toy!
Moya has finished another ballet quilt though. Pictures of that next time.
That sounds like something I need to check out - thanks so much.
I made a pattern like what you have done with the Strawberry Lemonade jelly roll. I think it is called Bento Boxes or something like that.
Now I am off to check out some new widgets :)))
That's how I keep up with your blog and others. I think it is great. See you soon, Jane
I love your new widget, Loulee. I'll see if Julia can help me put one on my sidebar.
I had lost your link there for a while, but I have sorted it out again so will visit regularly.
Best wishes - Lurline.
That's a really helpful idea. I wonder if I can get it onto my sidebar? I'll try. Meantime I can pop over to your blog and use yours .( giggle )
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