I know some people don't like these things, but I'll play along and if the folks I tag don't wish to thats ok with me.
There are 5 questions....
1 What were you doing 5 years ago?
Pretty much the same as I am now, I was working for the same company and just getting back to cross stitch after a break of a few years.
2 What 5 things are on you TO DO list today?
Grocery shopping.
Buy new socks for Hunney.
Pop into my friends shop with a charity collection box.
Carry my cell phone at all times. (I'm on call)
Finish my latest quilt.
3 What 5 snacks do you enjoy?
I'm not really a snack person.....
I love fruit, melon, bananas, apples, plums. And if there are figs in the house I just keep eating until they are gone!
4 What 5 things would you do if you were a billionaire?
Help out my family,
help out Hunneys family,
retire to New Zealand,
open a quilty / stitchy shop, (with a coffee lounge and a library of useful books, sewing machines, etc, etc)
have all my quilts professionally quilted!
5 What 5 jobs have you done?
Hmm, let me see....
I've waited on tables,
worked in a deli shop,
health care assistant in a nursing home,
and support worker for LCD,
now I am senior support worker, health and safety lead and the training and developement officer for LCD.
Does that last one count as the 5th job? LOL
Which 5 people will I tag?
I'll just choose the top 5 on my blog roll as it stands now.
Tazzie quilts.
Sew Create it.
Michelle's quilts and stuff.
Grains in the wind.
Patchwork Penguin.
Edited to say..
Blogger is being a PITA! It won't let me comment at the moment so I'm having problems letting people know they have been tagged. I'll keep on trying, but just in case you see your name up there and I didn't tell you, here's why!
Oh good I hope you do win.....I'll be a starter to come help in your shop, cause I like quilting and fabric, I like coffee and food, I like books and sewing machines, so might really like your shop. Please come to the North Island though. Yeh, I know you have southerly connections but it's usually warmer up here LOL.
WE have never won any serious money (unless you call £10 on the lottery, serious money!) but we have certainly had lots of fun mentally spending it! Your ideas sound very much like ours!
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