Hunney has kept me busy these last few days. I have done some cross stitching, but to be honest don't have the heart to do much at the moment. I feel so low and so very tired it's difficult to focus on things.
There have been several treats, Hunney bought me 2 jelly rolls and a book about jelly roll quilts for my birthday. I've also been buying a couple of new cross stitch charts and planning what to stitch next! I have to finish this one first though, or at least finish something! I always used to be a one at a timer, but I have 2 cross stitch half done, plus two inherited cross stitch half done, not to mention the tree skirt and the quilts!
Hunney and I have been out and about, visiting shops and places we don't often get too. It's been fun and something different. We have eaten out a lot too, thats been nice, last night we were joined by friends who cannot make it to my party on Saturday, tonight I'm off out with a couple of colleagues who can't make saturday either.
By the end of all this I'll feel like I've had a birth week, not a birthday!
I know I made noises about a birthday give away, I haven't forgotten, but I still didn't figure out what to give! LOL I'm working on it.
Take care.
Happy Birthday. Looulee, and hope you'r eback with us before too long !! Luv....AJ
I'm sorry you've not been too good lately. I hope your birthday is a turning point for things to get better.
and dont worry about a can do that anytime. Spend time with friends and be happy...thats all that matters!
and good wishes
Happy Birthday....and drag it out for as long as you can....have a birthday month!!
Have a lovely birthday and enjoy every minute with friends and family
Just catching up on your posts. Hope everything is ok and that you are feeling better.
Sending you big big cyber (((hugs)))
Hi Loulee,
first off...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
I have been thinking of you.
Have a great day and take care of yourself.
Hope your feeling better soon.
Hugs Julia
Wish I could give you birthday hugs for real, Loulee! Have a happy day and remember you have friends all over the world who send prayers and good wishes your way.
Quilty hugs - Lurline.
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