Sunday 3 August 2008

Hangin' in there.

I'm still here, still more bad days than good but very much appreciating all the kind words and good wishes from you dear people. They really do help. Thank you.

My blog may have been idle, but I have not. I'm not as prolific as usual but I have been sewing away.

Remember the tree skirt kit I inherited here? Well, I made a start, just a few more snow flakes, then it's onto the snow men.

I've done a jigsaw and have another on the go.

I've also been spending time with Hunney in his study, so my cross stitch has progressed from this....

To this. I still have no idea what that critter on the left is meant to be. Any ideas? Hunney fired off an email to the manufacturers, but they didn't even bother to answer!

I have been reading your blogs and they spark bits of inspiration here and there. It's nice to keep up with the real world.

Thanks for stopping by


Janet said...

So nice to have you back Loulee....I hope things are well!

sewkalico said...

Very pleased to see a blog post from you!!! It's good to keep busy especially when we're troubled! I think that tree skirt will be great and if you're working on it now, you'll have it done in time for this Xmas!! (unless you're like me and you'll get distracted LOL)
Keep your chin up xka
ps Thought it was really nice that your DH tried to find out what the little critter is!

Abby and Stephanie said...

glad you're back. I'm going to guess the little critter is an otter. Hmmm...

Jane said...

Good to see you, been thinking of you. Tree skirt going to look good with snowmen on. Take care

Lorraine said...

it was great to read your post....glad you are hanging in there!! ....that's all we can do when things get bad! Good thoughts coming your way still!!

black bear cabin said...

so happy to see you posting and working on your crafts! i hope things are looking up, and im sending you hugs and happiness!
missed you in blogland!