Sunday, 21 September 2008

Strawberries again.

Do you remember the Bento boxes I made with the Strawberry Lemonade Jelly Roll? I have a few left over as well as some off cuts and full length jellies! So last night I dug them out and made a start on a big girls bag. Here we have the front and back panels, I feel the need to apply some applique so they are not yet ready to be stitched together.

I'm happy enough to buy shopping totes too, this one was produced locally and is a gift for a friend.

I've had requests for my infamous bacon pancakes for breakfast so I'd better get to it before they try to eat me!

I've been preparing for that give away I promised back in July! Watch this space.


1) Quiet Sunday Mornings.

2) A volunteer to chop the bacon.

3)Time to sew.


Ginger said...

Lovely Isle of Man Bag. Are you sure you mean infamous loulee? I can'r imagine anyone requesting something that is known to be bad....

loulee said...

Oh, they're infamous! Very bad for my hips!