I've been meaning to mention this stuff for a while now. Does anybody use this stuff? Do you want it? Leave me a comment and it's yours. Well subject to numbers! If more than one person wants it I'll have to get
Hunney to pick a number or something.

I bought it to use with all the
BOM projects, they are mostly stitchery and I like to use a backing, but I really don't like this stuff and after stitching just one piece I went back to using good old interfacing. Yep, light weight dress makers interfacing. I find it much nicer. So there you have it, a ten meter roll which was hardly touched, I'll mail world wide.
Phew! Now I got that off my chest at last, it's on with the good stuff.
I did this little bit of the Christmas Wishes
BOM this morning before work, I sat reading blogs and sipping my morning tea, while I stitched away.

I have read on other blogs how the blogger gets up extra early so she can sew before the rest of the day starts, I'm not sure I want to go that far, but as I had time today and my fingers were itching, that's what I did. I could be all caught up in no time.
For personal reasons, in the very near future I'll be making my blog readable by invitation only. Those of you who have given your names as followers of my blog will all receive and invite, as will those listed in my reading lists. Any one who doesn't comment very often may get missed off the list, as would any lurkers. If you really want an invitation, please let me know either by commenting or by email ASAP and I will allow contact. Because I know that some people only look in once or twice a week I won't close the blog for at least 10 days. That should give people chance to let me know if they especially want an invite.
Back to some good stuff. I've been knitting away at the little sweater and I'm rather pleased with progress, the back as you see has a giant rib. This Merino wool is lovely to knit with, it's sooooo soft.

It came to me as I said in a bag of failed knitting projects and along with two complete balls there were and still are several partial balls of yarn. What you see here has used three of those partial balls. I see lots of yarn tails to secure when it comes to finishing this one!
There's nothing happening at the sewing machine this week.Though I do have a day off tomorrow, apart from a quick scoot to the post office I have nothing planned, so just maybe, I'll have the urge to play there.
1) Lots of friendly comments.
2) The heavens opened AFTER I was home!
3) A quick and easy dinner tonight.
I can't believe we've had so much rain, the boys were stuck out in it this afternoon. This little jacket is going to be really cosy, look forward to seeing it when it's finished
I'm sorry to hear that someone has been sabotaging your blog. Please include me as a reader.
Please count me in on your list of "ok" people ;o)
Sorry about your need for privacy but I would like to be on your list, too.
The knitting is coming along nicely. Please count me in on your followers list. I hope the rain clears before we arrive on Sunday. Only 4 more sleeps till we leave.
I hope I'm on your list hon, love ya to bits!
I've really liked reading your blog for the last months, though I have only recently commented a few times. Please consider me as a follower, I would miss going on all those walks and paddles with you! :)
HI Loulee,
I have used a similar product ( iron on interfacing for making snippets- I am guessing that it work for it. If no one else would like it, I would be happy to have it.
Please keep my name on your list- I do visit your blog often to see what you are up to- I am sorry that others have been unkind to you on the blogs. I have never understood why people felt the need to do such a thing to anyone.
Hope other things are going well for you.
Please include me in your giveaway, I like the interfacing and use lots in my bags.
Please add me to your reader list.
I have never left a comment before, but I enjoy reading your blog. Will you include me on the list please?
Please include me on to the list. I love reading your blog. I also follower. Great job on the knitting. Keep up the great work on the christmas one as well.
Jamie :)
Please may I have an invitation to read your blog. I would miss you if I couldn't read your blog.
Whew! Sorry I haven't been keeping up with my blogging lately, but so glad you invited me to keep up with your blog! I missed this development completely! Hope it's working out for you.
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