My 'Merry' Stitching has moved on a little, but not so much that it warrants a picture.
The knitting has grown a bit, I'm over half way up the back of the jacket and still have a little more of that 2x2 rib to go. Problem is I was chatting to the intended recipient the other day and she admitted that she would never put brown onto her boy. Hmm, what now? Do any of you have a little one who would appreciate a cosy knitted jacket? I may do a little give away once this is finished.
Two people have said they would use the stabiliser, I'm not going to cut it in half so I'll get Hunney to pick one, she'll get the stabiliser and the other one will get a fat quarter. Watch out for an email girls.
My day on Wednesday was very long, up at 04.45 and not home again until after 9pm. It was good though, the course is interesting, and the lady who runs it is very good. I met some new people and also reconnected with faces I had met before. I came home with a whole trees worth of paper and a pile of homework. I have just under four weeks to get through everything before I go back for the second session. There are supposed to be seven sessions in all, but because of peoples holidays and other prior commitments we agreed that we would do only six sessions and make the last two slightly longer. Fine, no problem. There are 5-6 lots of assessment homework, rather than an exam at the end, but right at the end I have to do a five minute presentation explaining how I have changed some process in my work place for the better.
I have another day off today, with nothing much planned, I may hop on the bus and go to Douglas, the capital town of the island. The only problem with all of this exercise, is that I am constantly changing shape and two members of my anatomy object when the clothes don't fit any more. So it's off to M&S for a fitting and hopefully two new smaller bras!
1) New challenges
2) A day off.
3) Sunshine.
Hope you have a good day off. I am sure you will manage to get through your assignment with flying colours
Hi Loulee...glad to find your blog...I've enjoyed reading about your life..I'd love to visit again soon
hi loulee. your knitting looks great. Hope you get some time to use your used jeans.
Jamie :)(angelstar)
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