What did I sew? I used some of this beautiful De Haviland Embroidery thread.

Then, because I was so comfortable and wanted to stay put I decided to revisit my cross stitch.
If you remember this one came to me already started. I've done quite a bit of it though and keep pecking away at it now and then. I have to say I'll be glad when it is finished. Yesterday and last night I really enjoyed working on it though, it was lovely and felt like I had slowed down a bit. Bliss.

Today I have a late shift at work, having slept in until almost 10am I've had a late start too! I plan to work some more on my SSCS project and depending on how things go, maybe a little knitting.
Thanks for the get well wishes for the cold, it's not come to much, I was worried as some of my colleagues took time off with it, but I seem to have a milder dose.
I'm off to play.
Being comfortable is so important! Your corner looks lovely!
What a cosy little corner, no wonder you felt motivated to stitch.
Glad you are feeling better & have found a perfect sewing chair...love the thread for SSCS!
That does sound like a lovely amount of time spent at stitching. Glad you found just the right spot! I haven't done any cross-stitch in ages and have a project that has gotten set aside for too long. I need a spot too!
Isn't it a wonderful feeling when you find just the right chair, in just the right place?
Those chairs are so comfortable.I'm on the look out for one as our old one went to beyond repair unfortunately.
I've some of that embroidery thread, and in the same colour way. I love it for hand quilting.
Glad you are feeling better
Love and hugs Gina xxx
a nice spot to sit and stitch.......also good to hear of some SSCS stitching.........
can you email me the "iom" email bounced.........
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