It arrived yesterday and was waiting for me when I got in from work. Such pretty wrapping.

On Christmas Day at half past three,
Brew yourself a cup of tea,
I'll think of you, and you think of me,
Sitting beside the Christmas tree.
All this came form the lovely Janice. Thank you, I know exactly which room it will hang in.
As we missed out on Christmas day, Janice and I have agreed to have elevenses on New Years Day.
A pair of my lovely new knitting needles got a work out last night as I worked some more on my latest project. I didn't have time to do Hat, scarf and mitts for every body, so I've set off completing the sets. DD's boyfriend Rich is scarf less as his got lost somewhere just before all the festivity, that's whats growing on the needles.
I'll have more Christmas goodies next time.