Fortunately it's my day off work today, though I do have to call into the Onchan office for a short time. I'll call into the craft shop while I'm through there. :-) Maybe I'll buy something, maybe I won't. I've been very good this month and not bought stash of any kind, my only crafty purchase has been the new magnifying glass.
Before going into work yesterday I completed the animal print top. Here it is. :-)

Hope your day starts off better than mine did.
mine has started the same way, lol. Well done on getting the top done, it does look wonderful
Haven't you been busy! It looks great.
I find not being able to sleep really frustrating. It's one of those things the harder you try the worse it seems to get.
I was glad to read you finished your Butterfly Fling quilt. It looks lovely.
Gorgeous top, hope you get to catch up later . X
When I wake up early I usually have good intentions to get to my crafting, but that often falls away to blogland and reading the paper with my tea!
The new quilt looks great. I haven't been in the fabric stores either but am saving my pennies for next month's big quilt show. Only a couple of weeks til we fly!
You Mum should love your latest effort. I hope your brain gets out of the not sleeping mode soon. Mine's doing the same, but at about 2am.
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