Nothing, nada, nowt! The butterfly fling top remains stalled where I left it on Thursday. Half of the top is already on the wadding and partially quilted, the other half is still lying in long strips on the table. The all white and washed out area under the skylight! I have a couple more days before going back to work, I'll get back to it. I started putting it together in a weird quilt as you go method.

Things are not much better to be honest. I sat here on Friday stitching away at the dressing table bear and came to the conclusion that I really don't like it. I wouldn't be keeping it.......and why on earth am I persevering? I made an executive decision. I took it off the scroll bars and put it away along with all the threads and charts. I will not be finishing it. It felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. It's official, Loulee has a UFO.
That done I still intend to stick by my no new start commitment. I pulled out 'Floral Trio' and got stuck right in. Starting on the Hydrangea felt a bit like a new start. LOL

Ailsa will be posting a progress picture of her cross stitch today. I hope she has more 'stick with it' than I have! LOL
I inherited quite a few UFO's. It was a relief when I decided I didn't have to be the one to finish them. I've passed them on so that someone who will love them can have the pleasure, and I get none of the pressure of trying to do it. Your time is a precious commodity, so you need to use it doing something you enjoy
You'll get there! And good idea to discard something that you find you weren't really enjoying and didn't want to keep.
I won't be posting today as I've been working. I think I'm going to post mid week, Tuesdays or Wednesdays as I so often work on Sundays!
I think there are times when perseverance is not a good thing. I reckon that was blocking you and bet that now you've put it away, your creative urges will return.
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