After my friend had visited yesterday I shot up the stair to my play room. I quickly put away all my knitting books and magazines, then looked about for something to do, still on a high from the previous days very fast finish! I had been showing Elaine some of my quilts while she was visiting and also my pile of project boxes. Hmmm, one of them housed several completed blocks, and I knew I had some applique hiding away in a drawer. Out it all came! A bit of playing about on the floor and a couple of extra yellow blocks and in no time I was putting together rows and then a whole top was born. I even got it layered and quilted before my hunney came home.

The border and the back are made from rescued bed sheet. Perfect. I quilted it very simply again, just working in straight lines echoing the seams.

Another very quick finish, A pretty little crib size quilt, made mostly with a Moda Jelly Roll called Butterfly Fling.
I started out in 2009 with two Jelly rolls. I've made two crib quilts and still have plenty of slices of jelly roll left. I was planning another Fling with this fabric while I closed the binding, but I also want to try something else. Watch this space.
DS Jiffy came for his dinner last night and took away his blue quilt. He loves it.
Glad you got the thumbs up for the blue quilt. This one is very pretty, someone is going to be very happy with it
you really are on a roll...well done xx
Well done. I recognised those butterfly squares straight away. They are better left whole. I remember them causing us both quite a few headaches on first use.
You must be getting a good sense of achievement finishing so many projects.Go girl!
What a cute quilt.
Very pretty! I like the yellow blocks a lot too. So glad you're spending so much quality time with your fabrics!
There is something so satisfying about taking pieces from the UFO pile and making them up! And when the finish is as good as this, it's a bonus!
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