Monday, 27 August 2012

This and that.

I called into the little co-op last night to grab some milk, and spotted that they had fruit selling cheap again. So I picked up a half kilo of blueberries! It's a good thing mum brought me some empty jars yesterday. LOL The first order of business today was more jam. 
 Well it's not really walking weather is it? Nor is it motorcycle racing weather either. But getting back to walking. Tony and I did just over 7 miles yesterday. :-)  It felt really good.
 Mum came for dinner last night. Not one of my usual massive roasts of beef though. I made my own corned beef. I've had 'real' corned beef when I was in NZ, but never seen it here in GB, I've only ever seen the tinned stuff here. So I routled about on the WWW and came up with a recipe/method. It was delicious and smelled fantastic before I had even cooked it. Everyone who tasted it agreed, so I'm sure I'll be doing that again.
 Remember mums fur baby Ailsa? She has grown a lot. And she is much better behaved that her new friend. Skye, is 10 weeks old and what a pest! She wants to chew everything.
 I'm not sure that mum needs two dogs, but that's what she has!!
On a crafty note, I took the blue blanket upstairs and tried it on my bed this morning. Look, it's nearly finished. I would happily add a couple of border rounds now, but Tony has asked me to keep on adding rows to cover the pillows too, then add a very thin border. Either way, the end is in sight. :-)
No walk today, the swimming pool is closed for the public holiday, so I think we'll be having a day at home.


Nicky said...

What? NO real corned beef in GB. Good on you for reinventing your own! Your crochet blanket is looking wonderful, not much more to go now....

Janice said...

The weather looks like a good day to be staying home. Disappointing for the racing. I hope it clears for tomorrow. Rotten news about the accident the other day in practice. Look at Joe! He's not a little kid any more. That Tony is a slave driver, isn't he, wanting extra rows on your rug. LOL

Jenny said...

I love making jam too, just can't seem to help myself when there is plenty of fruit around. There is nothing nicer than home made jam.

And another co-incidence - we are having corned beef tomorrow night. I do mine in the crock pot (slow cooker) and like to add the carrots and parsnips to the crock pot as well, with cabbage right at the end.