Monday, 7 July 2014

Stash Enhancement

I've decided not to show a progress picture of my Geisha this week. I have stitched on her, there are changes, but they are not significant, and I didn't manage to start on the lower half of the chart yet!
So instead I thought I might show off some recent Trademe scores.
Cross stitch charts for
Mirabilias Persephone and A song of Christmas by Lavender and Lace.
No, the recipe book isn't new. That's just DS making sure I know what to bake this week!
The washing machine is finished, time to put my whites out on the line in the frosty air! Soon the sun will be up and they will be dry by lunchtime. :-)


Margaret said...

I've never purchased off trademe but looks like you've done very well.

Jewells said...

Never heard of "trademe"... how does it work??

julieQ said...

A girl just needs to enhance the stash every once in a while!!