Sorry, I took these pictures on my notebook and forgot to turn them around before uploading them to blogger!! Too late now.
So first an update on St Basil's.
Still going slowly, this is the tallest spire, I have started to back stitch it and want to get that completed before moving on to another section. There is a huge amount of back stitch to do, so the thought of leaving it all until the end ......Ugh!
I've also been busy with one or two other things of a crafty nature. I hurt my ankle and not being a fan of ice decided I needed a hot pack, so set to and made myself a wheat bag, that took far longer then it should have. There were sewing machine issues.
A few frustrated tears.
A wonderful lovely engineer who came to my rescue.
He fixed things up temporarily and ordered a new part.
Then suggested that it's time for a new machine as he bought that one over ten years ago and it was a pretty cheap model.
I'll have to nurse along and make do with what I have have for now, then maybe my birthday in August, or maybe Christmas, we didn't decide yet......
I knew there was a reason I married him!
In other crafts, my sister in law back on the Isle of Man asked for a ponytail or messy bun hat. So out came the crochet hook and said hat was made and mailed within two days.
Sorry no pic, I couldn't find a teddy bear with a messy bun to model it for me! LOL
(Actually I'm so out of practice at blogging that I forgot!)
When I was showing off all my veggies, I promised more floral pictures.
Look, my lillies are flowering. There are only three at the moment, but I'm told that they are sulking because I moved them and more will come next year.
I do hope so, they are beautiful.
Back to the veggies.
Remember I read that if I leave my fennel roots in the ground they would sprout again?
It worked! Look, teeny, tiny fennel growing from the roots of their big brother.
So pleased with that!
The weather here in Timaru has been a bit hit and miss this summer. There have been quite a few cool wet days.
Yesterday was however a hit.
It was very warm.
If you turn your head sideways to look at my sideways photography, you'll see 32 degrees C (About 90 F)
Outside, in the shade of the deck!
Even Belle was hanging out in front of the AC unit!!
If I want to do anything crafty with my day off, I'd better get on and do the domestic stuff, then I can relax and have fun.
First stop, the bread machine, second stop, the supermarket.
Have a great day.

sideways pictures make me exercise my neck ... so no problem xx How wonderful to have a new sewing machine to look forwards too xx
Your lily is lovely. You are turning into quite the gardener, now that you have the room. I wish we had some cool, damp days. Our summer has been so hot and dry this year. Temps in the mid to high 30s a lot of the time.
LOL.....I would kill for a 32 day at the moment................since mid December there has been one 32 day and many high 30s and into the 40's..........vegies look good.....
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