In my last posting I showed off a blue advent calendar that I had started. I mentioned that it was already bound, but needed a little bling!

I added some ribbons and bells and popped a hanging sleeve onto the back.
All done, I'm very happy with this one.
It will be for sale at a Christmas craft market in a few weeks time.
One of my colleagues had seen this calendar which I made for Floki, as I had shared it on facebook. She asked if I would make two for her. So I went shopping and found two more panels and got busy again.
This one has bling too! The reindeer have bells and you can just see, I found some snowflake buttons to add over the printed snow flakes.
The second panel is still waiting for a few ribbons to be added to the gifts.
I already sewed holographic sequin stars over each of the printed stars.
Both have their hanging sleeves made of the same fabric I used to bind them.
Isn't this green and red candy cane stripe beautiful? I love it.
You can't really see it on any of these images, but I have added a gold coloured D ring at the centre top of each of these calendars so that they can be hung on a hook, without a quilt hanger. I will slip a piece of wooden dowel into the sleeves in order to help the top corners behave and play nicely and not become all droopy shouldered!
I'll be handing these over next week with any luck.
I have one more panel to complete and if the weather forecast is to be believed, I'll get that done this weekend. Then it will join the blue one on the sale table at the craft market.
In other news....
No crochet and very little knitting has been achieved.
Facebook has over the last three days, shown me three finishes from this time last year. All three are quilt tops, and only one of them has been quilted!! The other two are hanging in the cupboard awaiting their turn.......
Though they have been whispering to me recently.
I didn't realise it had been quite so long.
I have a new job!
I'll be working my last shift in the supermarket next Monday and moving into an Admin position for another firm. I have enjoyed working at the supermarket and have made some new pals, with whom I'll keep in touch, but I am very much looking forward to my new job. I'll tell you more another day.
I gotta dash, lots to do today.
They've turned out so well. Adding the bling is a nice finishing touch.
Well done with all the fiddly bits. I love the blue calendar.
I hope your new job is what you want( and better paid ).
All the Advent Calenders are gorgeous..
Oh time does go by too quickly and there are always UFOs waiting to be done.
Congrats on your new job....
You have been busy with the calendars and they look great.
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