Saturday, 1 February 2025

January Round Up.

 January has seen me sharing a lot of recipes amid my sewing and crafting. I even created a new page at the top of the blog to collect them all together. These are not all new to me recipes some are old favourites that I wanted to share.  Let me know if you try any of them.

On the sewing front, I have completed my Chookshed challenge which was to make a couple of Christmas ornaments. And as that was listed as a separate goal I made some more. Six in total.

Next I was to sew or crochet for 15 minutes every day. I did miss out on a couple of days but on the whole I'm happy with my effort.

I said that I wanted to work on my Pretty Little Pots project. That didn't happen, something else got in the way. Hopefully I can get to it in February.

Walk for weight loss every day. In the whole month I missed two days.  I'm very happy with that and plan to continue. I might have to increase my daily step goal.

The end of the month saw me take a week off work for a much needed rest, I still have two more days before I return to work. I have blogged every day telling you about what I have been up to and a few of you say you are tired just reading of my efforts. I like to keep busy and in all honesty I feel rested and better for having a few days of doing my own thing in my own time. 

All those words and still no pictures. What have I achieved?

My big achievements are to finish the preparation work for Down In The Garden... This is what got in the way of Pretty Little Pots. 

I also quilted and bound my Windswept quilt top.

I pulled out a crochet project that wasn't going as planned and took off on plan B that is working out much better. I made a bunch of zippy pouches and baggies. Hmm, no picture.... And had a big tidy up in the corner by my arm chair and also in my happy room.
January has been a good month.
I wonder what February will bring?