Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Quilted and Bound.

Today has been a really good day. I spent most of it busy at my quilting frame. Blue Lanterns was all loaded up yesterday and ready to go! I did take a couple of breaks to go grocery shopping and eat lunch, but mostly I've been busy quilting.
I used a lovely meander. I have used this design before and it was a breeze going along with it today.
Muscle memory kicked in very quickly and it was like quilting an old friend.
I was worried that I might run out of bobbin halfway through the last row, but that didn't happen. I was so very happy about that. 
A quick trim and I got busy with the binding.
Sorry it's blurry, but I'm sure you can see that it is black and white. It's actually a piece of zebra fabric that came from mums small collection. It looks good around the lanterns. I closed the binding on my machine rather than by hand. Usually I enjoy hand closing but I forgot and put the binding onto the front as normal, then remembered that the pretty blue minky on the back has a short pile, like velvet or velour. Not great to close binding by hand I thought. So I had my second go at closing on the machine. I'm happy with the result. 8.5/10 I think.
Lets go for a walk around the garden. It's very warm outside today but quite overcast, good for photos.
No garden photo shoot would be right without a tree shot. The cherry tree this time.
And over the deck railing, with the Wedding Cake tree photo bombing.
Sidle along just a bit and we get a better view.
There you have it. 
Blue Lanterns EPP is complete.
What next I wonder?

1 comment:

kiwikid said...

Great finish Lou, it looks great.