Sunday, 2 February 2025

My Final Day Off and my Chookshed #10.

Just like that a whole week has passed and tomorrow I return to work. I've had a great week, cheered on by you, my readers. I've made starts, made progress and even had a fantastic finish. I've spent time in the garden and the kitchen and walked everyday.

So how has my last day gone? We had a very late night on Saturday with our visitors so allowed ourselves another lie in, I didn't get up until 7.30 and Tony had another two hours. I sewed for a while this morning until Charmaine and Torstein arrived with their Mum and Dad. Look at these lovely books Lee brought for me.

She found them in an Op shop along with a few that she has kept for herself.
I'm looking forward to having a proper look at them, maybe later this evening.
The children came outside with me to help pick beans, we got a whole bowl full and steamed them for lunch.
They were very nice with our roast chicken.
The children had brought their Nerf guns so there was Nerf war again. It's so good to hear their happy little giggles as they shoot Grandad. So much fun was had. Torstein also pulled out his Dinosaur jigsaw puzzle and I helped him to put it together. 
Once the children left, Tony and I went out for a walk. When we returned I went into my room again and sewed until I had a completed top.
Very happy with that. Some of the fabrics are sewing themed, so I think I need to find a sewing themed pantograph. 
While I was messaging with Janice yesterday she said that the number 10 had been selected by Deanna for the Chookshed challenge. 
My #10 is an adopted project. I found it at the Altrusa sale last year. Most of the fabrics are precut. I'm not sure if they are left overs from a larger project or if they just got stuck...
There was a pattern in the package and a template sheet.
There is also a bundle of uncut fabrics.
One block is partially made.
I'll need to have a good look at what is there and make a decision on how to progress.
My goals for February remain the same as the January goals. They are listed in the sidebar over on the right of my blog. 
I'm off to look at my new books. 


Jennifer said...

That's a good op shop haul! I like your finished top, too.

Lin said...

Two lovely books to lose yourself in. The finished top looks great - love the fabrics. Good luck with your #10. xx

Maria said...

Great books to enjoy. You may find a new project to work on.
Nice crop of beans.
Good quick finish.
Have fun playing with that bag of fabrics..

ButterZ said...

Progress made on no. 10. Yippee

Denice Barker said...

You've had quite the week! I didn't see a nap in there anywhere!

Jenny said...

Yes, a week off work gous by so quickly. But you got a lot done, and enjoyed yourself, hopefully feeling energized and ready for work again.

Janice said...

A busy, but not so hectic day to complete your week off. The quilt turned out well. It will be fun to see what you can plan with your adopted project.

Karen S said...

I have been reading through your daily posts and I can see how busy you have been. You have really made the most of your time off with sewing projects, gardening, cooking and family. Very impressive!

Barwitzki said...

Oh yes, lovely quilting books. And going for a walk every day sounds wonderful. And picking beans with the kids anyway :-)))
You've finished a nice top. It's just wonderful to have brought the fabrics to this condition... yippeeee... congratulations.
Very Nice.
Have fun with your stars project.
Many greetings from Viola

cityquilter grace said...

sounds like you had a great mum's birthday is later this month...i have sent a donation to the cancer society in her memory...still hurts ....

cityquilter grace said...

a lot of kaffe patterns are just that...simple's his fabrics that make them zing...

dq said...

An adopted project - how sweet. I happen to have an adopted project from Chris in our chookshed zoom group as well as one of mom's. They are special to me.