Sunday, 2 March 2025

The February Round Up.

Another month is gone. We started the month with my lovely Mums birthday and we end it with my Grans birthday. Well we would if it was a leap year. Yes she was born on the 29th. 

I set out to write this post on 1st March, yesterday but a recent update sent my laptop to a blue screen! Oh no! Lucky for me I have Mr IT Tony and he was able to rescue it and get it working again for me.

So here we are a day later and  how did I go with my February goals?

The Chookshed Challenge.
I pulled out #10, it was an adopted piece that I had picked up at an Altrusa sale.
I finished the block that had been started then made one of my own.
And decided that this project really is not for me. The fabrics are pretty but of very poor quality. I thought about it for a while and took on board all of your comments and thought about it some more then put all the fabrics back into their bag and sent them to the Op shop. I'm sure someone will give them some love. That said I'm going to call this one done. I did make progress after all, I completed 2 blocks.
Next on my list was to complete a Christmas Ornament.
Yes, just one this month.
Sew or Crochet for 15 Minutes a day.
Nope, I failed.
I did make some progress on my scrappy crochet project and even did some hand sewing for 15 minutes most days but not every day.
Work on my Pretty Little Pots project.
Well I printed out some of the patterns does that count?
Try a new recipe and share if it's good.
We have tried a couple of new recipes, but they were not meals we will be making again, so only one share for February.
Walk every day.
Well of course I walked every day, but those extra walks....?
Not every day. I think I missed about 6 days so not bad but no gold star.
So if my goals are such a wash out what did I do?
I put together two scrappy quilt tops.
I plan to add some Applique to this one. BUt I will quilt it first I think.
It's difficult to see here but these fabrics are mostly stitching and sewing related.
This top just needs quilting.
Of course I spent time in the garden gathering produce, clearing out the old and planting new crops.
Which means I spent time in the kitchen making sauces and relishes and preparing produce for the freezer.
Talking to Tony yesterday and we agreed that if you had said to us 15 or even 12 years ago that we would be gardeners and have a large greenhouse and be producing our own vegetables we would not have believed you. 
I played with some French General fabrics and made some secret stuff.
I took my EPP along to patchwork club and started another Celestial Star.
And pulled out some orphan blocks creating a small quilt top. Janice and Chooky both had input on the borders. Thank you ladies.
This is only a small top, good for a cot maybe. I want to practice using my rulers when I quilt this one.
As I said earlier I have been picking away at my crochet project.
It's not pretty, just lots of different yarns all hooked together. It will keep someone warm though.
I pulled out some more scraps and made a cute wee pouch.
It looks quite pink here, but I assure you it is purple.
My really big Hurrah! for the month was getting my Blue Lanterns EPP quilted and bound.
I gave myself a pat on the back for closing the binding by machine. 
I'm very happy with this one.
And finally, on the second to last day of the month I sent out a plea for help to Janice once again but the reason for that deserves a post of it's very own. I'll do that soon.
So although my goals didn't add up to much, as you see I did achieve quite a bit in the shortest month of the year.
I hope your February was a good one. 


Jennifer said...

Despite it being the shortest month you still managed to achieve quite a lot, Lou!

Janice said...

Definitely no fail this month. You achieved so much. I love Blue Lanterns and if the challenge project was not for you it was a good decision to send it off.

Fiona said...

Really good effort and some lovely work done. I am with you, if you are not in love with a project for whatever reason, let it find a new home...

Maria said...

I think you achieved a lot even thought it was a short month and you didn’t think you did much.
Some nice finishes especially your Blue Lantern…
Great you passed on the project you weren’t enjoying….

Lin said...

A very productive month - love the lanterns. xx