Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Strike plan A

Well it seems plan A won't work! I had intended to rotate between my quilt and my cross stitch, but, thats not going to work. Hunny says I'm too noisey when I'm working on my quilt. He is studying for a degree, I think thats far more important than my quilt, so I've had to have a rethink. Quilting when he is not home and cross stitch when he is. At least for the time being. Makes me really glad I work shifts.

Does anybody know how long it takes to be accepted onto these blog ring things? I've been looking at some of them and reading one or two blogs, it's nice to feel part of something.

Thats all I have to say today, I'm off to stitch!
Take care.


Clare said...

I came across your blog via a comment you left on A Peach in Stitches. I used to holiday in the IoM a lot when I was little. Great friends own Great Meadow at Castletown and we used to spend the summer holidays there. Have added you to my feeds and hope to be back.

Rose Marie said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and for leaving a comment ... that is how I found you. Will be back to see what you've been working on.