Now, please forgive me, but I do have to show off some of my goodies. This first picture is of the gift my dear son bought for me. Isn't she divine?
Ignore the blind cord and the window lights, just look at my fairy! She is supposed to be an earring stand, so she got to model the earrings DD gave me. I've got the best kids!
Hunney didn't do so bad either, he bought me a quilt kit. Cindys butterflies. The kit includes all the fabrics needed to make the top, beautifully presented in a basket as you see.
I can't get a better picture of this, I've tried several times in different lights, look here for a better view. The batiks in the kit are beautiful. I'm not ready to start this yet, I want to play with the fabrics some more first.
From the strong brightly coloured batiks, to soft muted pastel florals. This much smaller kit is a gift from DS Moya. I think I'll get on with this one soon. It's a little wall hanging and shouldn't take long to do once I put my mind to it.
Hunney has gone back to work today, and just as soon as the kids go back to school, I have to get ready to move house! So I'm not sure exactly when I'll get chance to put my mind to it but I will, and you'll see pictures. LOL
Thankyou to eveyone who sent their good wishes over the festive season. I hope your Christmas was all you wished for and that you have a wonderful and prosperous 2008. Happy New Year to you all.
Happy New Year Loulee ! Your pressies were great - you have got them all well trained - lol !
What a gorgeous basket of batiks! Lucky you!
Aren't you just so lucky that your people choose such wonderful things for you. And you are moving? Where?
Father Christmas did you proud! I thought I'd done well with 13 fat quarters (six which my brother and sister-in-law must have bought when they were on holiday in Alaska in the summer!) but your beautiful batiks and sherbert pastels are gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing what comes from them.
Well done Loulee.
I would love to award you the...
"You Make My Day" award...
The awards rules are to“Give the award to up to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel so happy about blogland!
Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so that they can pass it on. Beware! You may get the award several times!
Hugs julia
Fun quilty gifts! And a pretty fairy too :)
My best gift was a small pressure cooker from my mom- such fun to use!
very clever Hunney! Gorgeous...and that fairy too! Tracey
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