My sewing is my hobby, something I do just for the pleasure and fun of it. I make what I like and I like what I make. No one can tell me what to make or when to make it. Right? So why is it that sometimes we feel guilty about starting something new?
Yesterday I sat with my pencil and drew DD's next quilt, it was in my head and wanted out. I knew exactly which fabrics I needed to get out for the flowers and went digging for a back ground fabric. That was all I was going to do, then I was going to cross stitch. The whisperings from the sewing table grew louder and I found myself looking at my project boxes! I even managed to empty one. Last year I stopped and started Elles Country Calender. I finished all the blocks but they have lain unloved ever since as I wasn't sure how I wanted to finish them. Then yesterday this happened.
But that wasn't enough, as I pulled out the ironing board to press the back ground fabric for DDs flowers I was pulled back to the project boxes.
This time it was the denim quilt whispering to me. I already had a bunch of strips made and in just over an hour I had them all put together. These circles are only small, so this piece is not very big at just over a meter wide. I have a bunch more circles cut ready to sew.
I played about in outlook yesterday and set myself a perpetual reminder to sew for at least an hour a month on this one.
I did eventually manage to get to the iron and press my back ground fabric, but I'm really not sure when I'll be allowed to play with it! LOL The empty project box? It already has the flower fabrics in it a new label and is back in the pile. But my list of WIPs is getting shorter.
Time to go to work.
Take care.

I love the minis, and now DD's quilt isn't new, it's a WIP
It must be the spring in the air!
I am impressed at your progress! And such a great idea to make double-sided minis! It certainly gets the OFOs finished quicker!
I'm very intrigued with the demin quilt.
The denim quilt is certainly different.
I LOVE the mini's! Great finish. I don't know what it is but I'm wanting to finish all mine up too.
Love the denim.
I spied something familiar there. Keep at it!
Yep, some projects jump to the front of the line so impatiently, demanding attention! Yours are so varied and intriguing--you'll definitely never get bored pulling a project box down :)
Sometimes I love the way projects talk to me: sometimes they make me feel guilty when I ignore them. But I think that communication between me and my projects is like music: I can either listen to it or turn it off. I love to listen.
No need to feel guilty at all now. You have an empty box, so it must be filled! Looking forward to seeing the denim quilt progress.
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